· Stand Range:
For sake of physical, non-violent interaction, a Stand's range is significantly larger than what is canon but that excludes fighting range, there is a difference here. As is canon, the farther away from the user, the weaker the Stand's fighting power is, but, when it comes to leisurely, relaxed/slice-of-life instances, the Stand can wander around much more freely (typically 10-20 meters, if it's a close range type) but must be within their actual fighting range in order to use their abilities effectively (i.e. Star is not as strong or fast, Crazy D cannot heal/repair as efficiently, if at all). This can prove fatal if attacked outside of their fighting range. [This is all for convenience of fluff stuff...]
· Stand Personality Traits (Stands are Sentient Here):
Stands are technically a manifestation of the user's spirit; they often portray their Master's hidden feelings without having to deal with the embarrassment of actual confrontation, they speak nothing but the truth when it comes to their Master—they don't see the use in hiding feelings because they only cause problems. Most often, Stand personalities are (seemingly) nearly opposite of their user's "outward" personality (i.e. Jotaro can be very shy about his inner feelings, flusters easily, isolative, is characteristically quiet, and hides under his thick, tough-guy persona and hardly lets his walls down, therefore Star Plat is often very affectionate, curious, bubbly, talkative, and needy; Holy Roller can be anxious, affectionate, doting, and clingy whereas Gwen is fine with space, cool-headed, very blunt, and the emotional stability of the household).
· Pre-disposed Stand Users and Genetics:
If a couple, who are both Stand users, conceive, the partner's, who is pregnant, Stand can also end up "pregnant" (this can be dependent on whether or not the Stands are having intercourse at the same time--if they are, chances are higher.) The female Stand's pregnancy progresses along with their user's and deliver at the same time, but what comes out isn't automatically the baby's Stand—it's their literal soul. I picture it as a pure white being that is placed in the child shortly after being born, once placed, they can no longer see their Stand parents like a user would. Now, if the child ever manifests a Stand is up to fate (or whatever), but the fact that their parents are users greatly increases the chance. Manifestation timing can't be predicted but can be onset by the typical culprits: extreme stress, illness, a Stand arrow, and just good ol' spontaneity. So they could technically manifest their Stand right after birth, but nothing is guaranteed—just like actual genetics.
· Mental/Physical Connectivity Between Stand and User:
There is also a "barrier" of sorts that separates the consciousnesses of the user and Stand, specifically personalities and the individuals thoughts. Think of it as a clear, bubble-like wall-membrane that fluctuates and changes color depending on moods. This barrier is weak enough for residual emotions to trickle through and affect the other but can also be strengthened at times so that it becomes almost impenetrable (these are often moments of great stress, panic, and spontaneity that comes up more as an instinctual reflex than anything) or it can completely disappear altogether, letting both mingle freely inside the user's mind/head. Because of the barrier, thoughts that are wanted to be kept private can be but not entirely hidden, just obstructed—so it's really hard to keep a secret from a Stand. That is one of the reasons why Stands are so truthful, they know that secrets cannot be kept so there is no use trying.
Each user can and does experience every sensation that the Stand does, just muted to a degree, which can vary depending on how "thin/sensitive" the "barrier" is—a relaxed state, a touch or hug can be felt, just not as severely as the physical action; the more intimate, sensual, and thinner the barrier, the more is transferred and perceived—light touches are felt in almost full. When the barrier is thicker and more defensive, each party will feel less when one is affected—when fighting, especially Stand vs. Stand, the actively engaged will feel the full force while the other may feel 50% (as example). This can also depend on the strength and power of the opposing team, the more powerful the attack, the more both will feel through the transference, no matter how much the receiving end tries to buffer.
· Stand Communication—Stand/User; Stand/Other User; Stand/ Stand:
Users can understand their Stands and have normal conversations with them without any kind of barrier that could cause misinterpretation... Which is something that the actually Stand has to learn, like a child learning how to talk, and fluency comes with time and practice (they can barely speak coherently until they learn spoken language) aside from the "default" word/phrase that they can say when first manifested. But, unlike learning how to converse, Stands can understand their user's feelings, urges, and desires without words via memories, images, and sensations and can impress their own upon their user through the same means—they live in their head after all, which is a very convenient and efficient place to learn quickly.
The "default" word/phrase is only what other users can hear aside from other basic vocalizations like humming or screaming. But that doesn't mean that conversation and communication cannot be achieved. Body language, facial expression, vocal tone, and even writing can be ways that other users can communicate with Stands (if they are not already one that can directly speak to others). Stands can (obviously) understand humans, so a conversation between a Stand and a different user will most likely be very one-sided in terms of speech and what comes out of the mouth.
Stand-to-Stand conversation is just like human conversation, but their respective users can only understand one side of the conversation through their Stand if they allow it. Most Stand conversation is cut/silenced from their users per their discretion—most Stands enjoy having social conversation with their friends just like their users and indulge in lengthy ones when the rare opportunity arises, even if they are quiet in demeanor. This is one of the only private privileges that Stands can have 100% to themselves.
FanfictionWhat if...? What if Josuke fell for a new girl who he knew almost nothing about? What if she fell for him too? What if neither of them knew about the other being a Stand user until something drastic happened at school? Post Part 4--so 1999 to 2000 ...