Chapter 3

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When I awoke, I was in darkness... Darkness was everywhere...

I realized it wasn't Ansem's Lab... I got up to find a way out.

I opened the door, and looked around. I quietly snuck out. I ran as quickly and quietly as I could to find some kind of exit.

I found a very bright room. It had 13 thrones.
I backed away from that room, dreading something terrible.

I backed into someone.

I dared not turn around.... A hand was now on my shoulder.... I could feel breathing on my neck.... Sweat runs down my face....

"Glad to see you're awake."

I recognized that voice.

"Braig...?" I asked, to scared to say anything else.

"It's Xigbar." He said.
And my..... wait..... I can't feel anything in my chest..... what did Xehanort do to me......?

"Why can't I feel anything in my chest...?" I asked...

". . ." He was silent. Like this... Castle?

"Listen... Rei... I would help ya. But there's rules." He said

"Who's Rei?" I asked.

"That's what your name is. Your real name."

Those words hung in the air for a while. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed Xigbar had brought me to sit on one of the thrones. I sat down, then, others had appeared.

I recognized a few as some of Ansem's workers... Then, I saw who I thought was Xehanort. I felt a sense of resentment towards him. I got up and lunged myself at him, wanting to break his nose.
I had managed to get a few good punches on him, then a lightning blonde haired girl got me off of him.

I shrieked.

The Xehanort look alike was holding one side of his face. It's strange....

He didn't look to be in any pain....

"Heheheheheh.... You are stronger than I expected.... I am Xemnas. Leader of the Nobodies."
He said, full of pride.

I asked.

"Vessels without Hearts."
Xigbar said.

I realized why I couldn't feel.... I had no HEART.......

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