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Evie's Notes: Wow! I was blown away by how much y'all liked this story. I hope you enjoy the new chapter. Let me know in the comments what you liked and what you want to see more of in the future 🌺


The next morning arrived far two quickly for Hermione's liking. The bushy haired brunette had never been much of a morning person, and years of late nights and running for her life had not helped her opinion of mornings. Her anxiety over seeing her old friends again for the first time was motivation enough to energize her through the end of her packing and breakfast with her parents.

It was only as they pulled up to Kings Cross Station that the weight of what was really happening truly hit Hernione. She was about to walk into the wizarding world a second time, a world which would be full of familiar faces that wouldn't know her. Did she really want to do this again? Sure magic was cool and all, but she already knew how to do it and magical Britain was rather fucked up...

Just as she was second guessing herself, a flash of red hair caught Hermione's eye and she heard a familiar loud voice exclaiming "Same thing every year. Packed with muggles. C'mon, platform nine and three quarters this way".

Hermione broke into a giant smile as she watched as Mrs. Weasley herded her large brood of redheads through the crowded station.

"Now, what's the platform number?" called the Weasley matricach

"Nine and three-quarters!" piped up the adorably tiny version of Ginny Weasely clinging to her mother's hand, "Mom, can't I go..."

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first."

Percy marched toward platforms nine and ten. Hermione watched the tiny version of her friend disappear through the barrier between the two platforms.

"Fred, you next," ordered Mrs. Weasley. Hermione did a double take as she stared in shock seeing her old friend.

"I'm not Fred, I'm George," said the boy.

"Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"

"Sorry, George, dear."

"Only joking, I am Fred," said the boy, as he dashed through the barrier. Hermione let out a watery laugh happy to hear the twins so lighthearted and together again.

The biggest shock was yet to come though as Hermione spotted a familiar rumpled head of black hair approach the weasley matriarch.

"Excuse me" squeaked out Harry.

"Hello, dear," Mrs. Weasley said. "First time at Hogwarts? Ron's new, too." She pointed at the shockingly young version of Hermione's other best friend.

"Yes, mam" mumbled Harry. "The thing is - the thing is, I don't know how to-"

"How to get onto the platform?" she asked kindly, and Harry nodded. "Not to worry," she said. "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron."

"Er - okay," said Harry doubtfully. Hermione chuckled fondly as she watched her first magical friend run through the barrier.

Seeing her chance to make a positive first impression on the Weasley family, Hermione began to speak loudly to her own parents.

"Mom how did Professor McGonagall say to get on the platform?"

Hermione mentally laughed at the way Mrs. Weasley's head shot up. "Excuse me dear, I couldn't help overhearing your question. Are you starting at Hogwarts this year?"

"Uhh yes mam. But we are a little confused as to how to get onto the platform" explained Hermione.

"Well my name is Molly Weasley and these are my children Ron and Ginny. Ron is also starting at Hogwarts this year".

"Really? That's so cool! My name is Hermione Granger and these are my parents Jason and Diana Granger".

"It's a pleasure to meet you Molly" greeted her mother. "Hermione is so excited to start at Hogwarts this year".

"Oh I know that she will simply adore it! My older boys have all enjoyed their time at the school and Ron has been over the moon with excitement ever since he received his letter".

"Mother are you coming or not?" whined Percy, sticking his head back through the pillar. "I need to get to the prefects compartment. It's very important".

"Of course Percy, we will be right through" assured Mrs. Weasley before turning back to the Grangers. Hermione noticed how she had to smother her amusement at the shocked faces Hermione's parents had adopted upon seeing Percy's disembodied head. "All you have to do is step through the pillar to get to the platform. Ginny can go first to show you" explained Mrs. Weasley before gesturing for the girl to dart through the boundary.

Hermione had to hide her own amusement over her parents' shock at seeing such simple magic, they truly had not seen anything yet.

"That's wicked cool" she exclaimed, playing up the image of an excited eleven year old experiencing magic for the first time. "Can I go next?"

"Of course, dear. Why don't you take your parents through with you as well?" suggested Molly.

"Ok! See you on the other side Ron, maybe we can sit together" suggested Hermione before dragging her parents through the barrier.


Stepping onto the familiar platform Hermione let out a cough after accidentally inhaling too much of the train's smoke. For a magical society, the general population of Wizarding England was rather backwards, which included their approach to transportation being a rather out of date train. Despite her coughing attack, Hermione was struck by a deep wave of nostalgia at returning to the site of so many great memories. The platform itself had never featured in the war for her, so it didn't have the negative associations that other places, such as the ministry and Hogwarts had.

"Oh wow. That was so cool!" breathed her father shocked.

"I know right! Just wait until I come back from school and can show you all I learned" cheered Hermione.

The whistle that sounded from the train alerted the little family that she had to get on the train or risk being left behind. Saying goodbye to her parents quickly and promising to write to them often, Hermione hurriedly dropped her trunk off at the baggage compartment before heading towards the back of the train.

Sliding into an open compartment Hermione curled up in one of the seats and tried to sort out her thoughts. Why did her accidental time travel adventure have to drop her off with no time to prepare herself to dive back into her old life. She remembered that the first time around she had spent this train ride trying to impress her future year mates with all that she had learned through self-study while searching for Trevor.

Luckily she had grown out of her insecurities over the years and no longer felt the need to show off for a bunch of eleven year olds. Harry and Ron had often recounted their first meeting and spoken about how it had bonded them. Hermione figured that her best bet for starting off on the right foot with her boys was to join them in their compartment. Set on her plan Hermione stepped out into the corridor to go search for her former/future friends.

She bobbed through the crowds of students looking in the compartment windows for a messy mop of jet black hair and a boy with fiery red hair. Yet, when she passed her tenth compartment she stopped short in shock at the sight of wavy blonde hair, "Luna?!"


I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments or my Tumblr Find-y0ur-j0y! - Xo Evie 🌺

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