Chapter 4

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Evie's Notes: Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Let me know your favorite part in the comments 💕!


There were many things that Hermione had forgotten about her time at school over the years, and one of them was how crowded the Hogwarts Express was.

Pushing through the crowds of students, ducking under flying spells and jumping over various pieces of abandoned luggage. She felt Luna sticking close behind her as the pair weaved their way through the train looking for their new / old friends.

About five minutes later the pair finally reached the final train compartment. Taking a deep breath, Hermione prepared herself to face the young versions of her best friends.

"You got this Mia!" cheered Luna quietly.

"Thanks hon" whispered back Hermione, before pulling open the compartment door.

Inside she found the tiny versions of her two best friends. LIttle Ron, all long gangly limbs and tiny Harry swimming in his oversized sweats. Hermione made a mental not to talk her parents into letting Harry stay the summer with them, meddling headmaster be damned.

"Hi! Do you guys mind if we join you?" greeted Hermione.

"Of course not! We have plenty of room, come on innn?" agreed Harry, only for his eyes to pop out of his head in shock as he spotted Luna. Interesting...

"Thank you so much! I'm Hermione Granger, and this Luna Lovegood".

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, I'm Harry Potter".

"Nice to meet you Harry" grinned Hermione, as Luna waved softly.

"I thought you didn't start Hogwarts till next year Luna?" asked Ron, confused as to why the tiny blonde was now in their year.

"Well there was a slight potions accident, and now I'm here" hummed Luna, as she flipped through her copy of the quibbler.

"Huh. Well Ginny will be bummed that you're gone" remarked Ron.

"I'll be sure to send her a letter, and maybe a toilet seat"

"That's what Fred and George said!" laughed Ron. "I'm going to find the loo. Be back in a jiffy".

Hermione waited until the redhead was out of the trolley before she pounced. "Let's play two truths and a lie... I'll go first!"

"Uh, ok" agreed Harry.

"My middle name is Tessa, my parents are dentists, and I'm a time traveler".


"Oh thank the gods!" squealed Hermione, launching herself across the compartment to wrap her arms around her long missing best friend. "I missed you so much Harry"

"I missed you too Mia. Thank magic that you're here. But uh... how are you here?"

"I tripped into the veil of death and Luna followed me," explained Hermione. "What about you?"

"Hmm, the usual. Betrayal and sneak attack execution. The big wigs in the Wizigmont weren't too thrilled with my work in the DOM and decided to deal with me".

"It's not like you to let anyone get the drop on you" mentioned Luna.

"True, but they decided to put me in a full body bodybind and throw me through the veil... apparently they wanted to make sure that I didn't come back".

"Ugh, the wizarding world is literally the worst '' groaned Hermione.

"Totally agree. I thought we were doing the right thing when we took down Riddle, and I stand by that. The dude fucking sucks. But he was onto something about overthrowing the current government. With all that we know now, I'm ready to burn this place down and start over".

"How long have you been back?" asked Hermione.

"About a year now. I put the fear of the gods in the Dursleys and spent the last year planning my moves".

"Well it seems like Ron isn't in the know, so fill me in and we'll adjust your plans to include Luna and I" grinned Hermione. Settling back into her seat in preparation to hear her friend's plans.


I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr Find-y0ur-j0y! - Xo Evie✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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