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*new message from jaehyun 🍓

[ come over tonight if you're free for a movie night? you can choose the movie tonight 😚 key is where it usually is ]


you and jaehyun are in what is called a "situationship". you're not necessarily together but you're a thing.

it's been like this for a few weeks now.

you two often go to each other's places but you mainly go to his place and wait for him since he's usually at practice until late.

you couldn't help but smile to yourself. even if you knew he wasn't technically yours, your feelings for him were undeniable.


*new text to jaehyun 🍓

[ see you later 💕 ]


you checked the time and saw that it was only 8pm. jaehyun wouldn't be home until at least 11pm so you decided to study until 10:30pm.

after many snack breaks and tiktok videos in between studying, time finally came to get ready.

you decided to go for a comfy outfit. crop top with high waisted sweatpants, paired with your air forces.

you grabbed your phone and wallet after throwing on a jacket to head over to jaehyun's.

it was a 15 minute taxi ride there so by the time you arrived it was 10:45pm.

you quickly found the spare key and opened the door to the dorm. you put back the key and went inside to jaehyun's room.

you took off you jacket and hung it on his game chair.

as you got comfortable in his bed and started looking through netflix for a movie on his tv, the door opened.

"hey baby, did you wait long for me?" jaehyun asked as he closed the door behind him and set his things down.

"nope. i just got here not too long ago" you smiled at him.

he plopped on top of you and placed his head on your chest. his arms swiftly wrapped themselves around your waist.

"i've missed you" he mumbled into your chest.

"you saw me the other night" you laughed.

"it's been almost 48 hours" he looked up and pouted at you.

you smiled at him and quickly kissed his pouted lips.

"okay, now go shower so we can watch movies" you pushed him off you.

"turn some music on while you wait for me" he smiled as he handed you his unlocked phone.

you took his phone and connected it to his speaker while he walked into his bathroom.

you were looking through his music as his phone dinged.

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