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We have decided to meet each other in the café near his subdivision. I looked around the surroundings and focused on the two little birds happily tweeting.

"How I wish I lived like them, worry free...." I whispered not worrying about the people around me.

"How about hunters? How about hunger? How about their homes? Don't you think they worry about that?" I looked at my back where the voice came from and saw the person I've been waiting for.

"Yes they are but they don't appear  worried because they are happy and  contented and that's what you have to become to live a worryless life." He said smiling.

"There you are with the positive mindset just like before..." I said.

"Well.. shall we order something Ms. Kim?" I acted like I wasn't shocked by the fact that he didn't call me Jisoo.

"Sure Mr. Park." I replied and ordered coffee and a piece of cake. He ordered the same too.

We waited for about 15 awkward minutes before receiving our order.

So I started talking.

"About your military enlistment extension can you give me an inclusive interview..?" I asked as calm as possible.

"Hahaha are you really Kim Jisoo? "Stop acting as if you care because you never, never will and never would! All you think about is your self! I don't want anything connected to you!" You said all this and now... This?" He said imitating how harshly I said those things.

I closed my eyes frustrated.

"I know I said bad things the last time we met for an interview but please. This interview is very important for me if you just please meet me at a cafe or anywhere you want. It can even be in-" he cut me off.

"What will be my gain in this interview? You know... I can just have an interview with anyone and it will have the same gain. What can you offer?" he teasingly asked me.

"I'll do anything! Anything you want! JUST FOR AN INTERVIEW" I said having no other choice.

"Okay then. What should I ask you to do..? Aha! Break a world record!" My eyes widened.

"Are you crazy?! I can't even get myself a daesang and you want me to break a world record?!" I said.

(A/N: Blackpink deserves that damn daesang so pls stop being stupid and give them what they deserve!!)

"Say bye to your interview then." He said about to stand up but I stopped him.

"Fine! I give you 3 wishes but make it simplier! Something you know I am capable to achieve." I said.

"10 wishes." He said teasing me.

"Fine 5." I said.

"Deal! I'll text you when after deciding on what to wish for, baby." He said emphasizing the word "baby".

"Bab— what?! How dare you call me that!" I asked furiously.

"Well... That's your nickname here." He said referring to his Phone.

"Then change it you scumbag!" I said.

"Ahem! R-E-S-P-E-C-T respect, learn it lady if you want your interview." He said smiling.

"Fine you can put just any nickname you want." I said.

After sometime we both finished our food. Before he can start bidding goodbye, I started talking.

"Don't give other companies, people or just anyone interview stick with our deal, okay?" I said.

"Sure! I'll have to go then! See you next time baby!" He said and left.

Yes, he used to call me baby and yes he used to be my boyfriend.

A/n: about that daesang joke if ever you get offended I am so sorry. It is not meant to offend anyone and my point is just as it is represented here. (Showing how impossible it is for her to break a record but infact Jisoo can (if given the privilege) receive a daesang! Congrats Jennie for receiving a daesang! I hope each of the other members and blackpink as a whole receives a daesang too! Thanks for reading <33

JinJi: Just For an InterviewWhere stories live. Discover now