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013 | 𝗖𝗔𝗥 𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗘

"I'm kidnapping you"

"You know what's funny though?" you asked, looking over at him. His eyes on the road, he hummed, asking for you to continue.

"I wouldn't mind at all," you blurred out, making him snort. "I'm all yours, papi" you joked. (never use this word seriously..)

"Is that so?"

"Mhm," you nodded, your hand letting go of his, which was resting on your thigh, going up to reach his face, playing with his hair as your eyes were now on the road as well.

"I could be a serial killer or even a cannibal?"

"I mean, you eating me? Not gonna lie that sounds pretty fun if you ask me," you joked. "If we're talking about the same thing here, of course," you added, hoping he'd get the ambiguousness you were saying.

"I think we don't, but we can change that," he said, his hand going further up to your inner thigh, but never daring to go too close. Yet.

"Change what, hm?" you asked, wondering what might goes through his head right now. He looked at you, a slight grin on his face as he looked back at the road, still grinning.

"Ok you got me. I might not be a cannibal or a serial killer, but eating you doesn't sound that bad, to be honest, don't you think?"

"You have a good point here, I'll give you that," you grinned. "Tell me more, Jean."

"Alright, imagine I am a kidnapper. The first thing I'd do is act all nice, get you in my car, which I already did. You'd be thinking we're driving to go get food, but it's actually my house. No, my basement. You'd be screaming, shouting for help, whilst I chain you up and..."

"What then?" you asked, waiting for him to continue, but all he did was grin.

"That's between me and my fantasies."

Your eyes widened, trying to hold back your laughter. Not because it was funny, but because you were flipping out on the inside.

"What's stopping you then?"

"Dummy, I'm not a kidnapper, remember?"

You pouted, crossing your arms. "And here I was, getting all excited that you might are one."

He laughed, rubbing your thigh. "I don't need to be a kidnapper or cannibal to eat you though?"

You chuckled, lightly punching his arm. "Enough talking about you eating me! Let's eat something for real, I'm hungry."

"Damn, I'm pretty hungry too," he agreed.

"Ok then, what are you hungry for? I'm kinda down for some pizza."


You pursed your lips together, shooting him a glare. "I said enough!"

"But if you wanna come over later, you know..."

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