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After you and the rest had your dinner and desserts, it eventually became late and all of you decided to head back to your hotel rooms.

"So, I guess i'll see you tomorrow?" Eren said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess," you smiled.

"When do you want me to pick you up?"

"Hmm... After around ten am because I want to sleep," you suggested.

"Okay okay, bet. Goodnight," he said, letting go of you and pinching your cheek before heading back to his own room.

And there you were alone, until the person you were waiting for finally came as well.

"Let's go," Jean said, bopping his head to the side and walking away.

You sighed, not saying anything and following him.

It was weird between the two of you. None of you talked or said anything because of tomorrow and it drove you insane.

You all were finally travelling together and fighting on the first day already made you frustrated. You were hoping that after tomorrow everything would be fine again.

"Goodnight?" you finally said after trying to get comfortable on the bed without him hugging you.


You sighed again, but decided to do it yourself. Turning the other way so you were facing his bare back, you wrapped your arm around his waist, scooting towards him and giving him a peck on his shoulder.

It might not look like it, but the second you snuggled yourself closer to him, his whole body relaxed and he felt relived.

"Are you that mad at me that you won't even face me?" you mumbled over his shoulder, your fingers going up to his messy hair, tucking a few strings behind his ear.

With one sigh he turned around, finally facing you. It was dark and you could barely see each other, but you still couldn't help but shoot him a weak smile.

"I'm not that mad to not face you, you're right," he answered.

"But you are mad at me."

"I'm not. I just don't want to talk before anything gets worse. So let's just go to sleep and end tomorrow already," he explained, his hand going up to stroke your face.

You didn't wanted to discuss this any longer so you didn't say anything but nodded. And with that it went quiet and both of you fell asleep in each others arms.

Getting ready for the day, you were struggling a bit with what you should wear. After all you didn't want to over or under dress so you kept it casual. Just when you were about to leave the bathroom, you bumped into Jean who just got up.

„You're leaving already?" he mumbled, rubbing his eye and his hair a mess. You always found his morning look so cute.

„Yeah, Eren said I should be ready at eleven. And that's in a few minutes," you explained.

„You dressed up like that for Eren?" he rose an eyebrow, his index finger pointing at you from top to the bottom.

„Its... literally how I go out everyday," you questioned, not quite getting what's wrong with baggy jeans and a small shirt.

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