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21 | 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗦?


"Why Paris?"

"Oh my gosh, I always wanted to visit Italy."

"Dumbass, Paris is in France," Connie snickered at Sasha.


"Well, Paris because it's for you guys' new shooting scenes. Plus, it's the first time Y/n actually gets to know her role and play it," Levi explained, calming everyone down.

"Oh my god. I've been dying to know what role I'm getting," you cheered, leaning closer and giving your full attention to Levi.

"Yeah, tell us Levi," Connie cheered too, everyone impatiently waiting for the announcement.

"Well, that's going to be quite interesting because you will be playing their enemies."

Everyone frowning and shrugging shoulders, you finally spoke up. "Wait, I didn't watch all of it but do you mean i'll be an Marleyan?"


"Dang, is it a big or small role though?" Eren asked.

"You know Yelena? Kind of like that."

"Oh my god, does that mean i'll get to film with Reiner?" you asked excitingly, earning a side eye from Jean.

"Yes. Along with Zeke, Porco, Pieck and everyone else," Levi answered.

"I can't wait," you shrieked, shaking Jeans arm.

"Ayo wait though. If her role is similar to Yelenas, then does that mean she'll snitch on us?" Eren asked.

"Depends on who you mean by who. If you mean the Scouts, then yeah. But if you mean your role Eren, then no. She will actually support you and stay by your side."

"Can you tell them to make me fall for her instead of Mikasa?"

"Uh, no. That would literally ruin the whole plot," Levi scoffed. "Besides, I'm not gonna do that just so you'll have an excuse to kiss her."

"Damn, it was worth a try..." he sighed.

You laughed, squeezing his upper arm, messing up his hair that was already in a messy bun.

"Oh by the way. Can i braid your hair one day? Or straighten it? Or oh my god can i actually curl them? Or give you pigtails? Or dye them blonde-"

"You will not be dying my hair blonde," he snorted, placing your hand back down to the desk.

"But you didn't say no to the other questions?"

"Sure. You can do that," he shrugged his shoulders.

Turning back around, you saw Jean already glaring at you, making you gulp. You rose an eyebrow at him.

"Don't be jealous, your hair's not long enough for all that," you scooted closer to him, resting your head on his biceps, wrapping your arms around it.

"Whatever," he scoffed.

"Alright brats. That's all for today. Make sure to pack your things. We'll leave tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow?! Fuck i don't know what to bring with m. Hows the weather there? And what kind of clothes should i bring-"

"I think we all know what that means..." Connie cut you off, gaining everyone's attention.

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