The Hunt's War: "Stronger"

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A/N: Just a clarification that had to be made. The Orion incident has already happened. Now back to the story.

3rd Person POV

As the 500 strong monster army gathered around the camp, a clear look of shock passed on the faces of Perseus and the hunters. They just stood there, looking at their impending doom, too scared to move. The monsters just watched in glee at the look of fear displayed by the small group of defenders. Empousa archers came forward, at least 50 of them, notched arrows, and began firing, expecting the shield spell to break like earlier. When it didn't break after the 8th volley, the monsters looked surprised.

Perseus quickly saw what was happening and broke the silence. "Miladies, the shield will still hold up for another half an hour before it crumbles. We need to act quickly."

Artemis nodded and said, "This was your plan, right? I declare that you are to command us temporarily for the duration of the fight. Emergency rights, no complaint girls."

The hunters in turn groaned and started protesting. "Milady why are you giving a boy the right to command us. He is most probably getting us killed and will take glory to himself" they said.

"I am sorry Miladies, but I overheard what you were saying" Perseus said; the hunters were taken aback. He continued, "Miladies I swore an oath on 3 holy rivers to protect you until my dying breath. I shall not let a hunter die as long as I draw air into my lungs. As for glory, I don't want any, as it is I hate power and titles and also I am just doing my duty, there's no glory in carrying out one's duty." The hunters were now looking at him with....guilt? Well, that's new, Artemis thought.

He turned his attention towards the army. They had abandoned the idea of shooting the shield and were now full-on bashing into it in hopes of breaking it. He assessed the situation before asking, "Miladies, how fast can you shoot until your quiver runs out?" he questioned.

"I have a quiver of 200 arrows and can empty it within 5 minutes. My hunters can do the same in 7 minutes. Why do you ask?" Artemis answered and then inquired.

"Milady, the spell has sensed a greater number of enemies than expected so it has strengthened itself, meaning earlier one could shoot from within but not from outside, but now it has sealed itself from inside also. So I have to create small openings so as to let monsters in while we shoot at the monsters that enter. Once your quivers are empty, I shall close the openings while you refill and continue the process until the spell breaks altogether or the monsters have been defeated." He explained.

The others were looking at him with surprise because it was a plan worthy of Athena.

"I hope you know what your doing Perseus." Artemis added while he simply nodded."

"I shall make 3 openings, one guarded by me, the other by Milady Artemis and Milady Zoe, and the last one by the Hunters. Please ready your bows. Shoot when I say go" Perseus said while he took out his bow.

Everyone notched arrows, Perseus concentrated and 3 archways shimmered into the spell as monsters started pouring in.

"GO!" he yelled. All of them started firing arrow after arrow at the monsters. The hunters were doing well while Artemis and Zoe were struggling a bit. Meanwhile Perseus, well let's just say he scared the Tartarus out of the monsters he was facing. He was firing arrows, his water arrows to be exact, at inhuman speeds, about 100 arrows a minute that too with great accuracy. Within 3 minutes, the army had dwindled to 300 monsters. Perseus saw that even though their quivers still had arrows, the hunters were already tired, heaving and panting, having fired so many arrows in just 3 minutes. He closed the archways but this time they did not become one with the spell, meaning they were weaker than the rest of the spell, a weak point. As the final monsters that entered were finally shot down, the hunters promptly just dropped on the ground on their knees, out of breath. Artemis, although not as tired as her hunters, was also out of breath. But Perseus just held his ground, ready to take on another round.

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