INTERLUDE: Onwards Forever

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A/N: Guys...500 votes before 20k.


It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again


3rd Person POV:

Nobody moved for half an hour, not even the monsters. Artemis had held her tears, trying to stay strong for Percy in his last moments. She knew from the moment he had spoken about Primordial power that he would be sacrificing himself. Her heart had already shattered beyond repair, still, she helped Percy pass in peace. The moment he closed his eyes for the final time, her dam broke. She howled for her loss, sobbing hysterically, still cradling Percy's lifeless body. It was an ugly sight, Artemis was not crying lightly, she was sobbing badly, all tears, snot, and saliva. This was the second time she had her heart broken. This time, it was the love of her life. She knew she wouldn't be able to love anyone else the way she loved Percy. Now he had given up his soul to protect what she called home and family. Artemis broke into sharper sobs as she realized that Percy could never go to the Underworld or try for rebirth, he was simply gone.

The Olympians were distraught beyond belief. What started out as an asset to complete the prophecy ended up as an immortal's mind-changing force. No one was happy when they had to make Percy an Olympian, and especially not since they saw Percy as a threat to their rule as he was so powerful, but since the prophecy called for it, they had to grudgingly agree. Turns out, this was the best decision they ever made. In the 50 years he served on the council, time and again he proved himself to be a valuable addition to the council. His presence and his endearing ways made even the prideful Olympians change. Percy had made them more...human, for the lack of a better term. He made the Olympians a family, the way it should have been from the start. Those who knew about the prophecy also knew they had to let go of him one day, but they couldn't help themselves but get attached to him. And now, with him gone, all this was falling apart.

This was the reason, every god and goddess, major and minor, bar Ares and Zeus, who were out from the battle, had tears in their eyes, some barely managing to keep them in while others were full out crying. Seeing Artemis lose her soulmate and her reaction wrought their hearts into ribbons of sorrow. The Olympians had gingerly come down to the bottom of the crater, surrounding Percy's body and Artemis had rued the tragic loss. Apollo gently tried to wrap his sister in a hug but she grabbed him tightly and started crying into his shoulders, while Apollo himself let a few tears fall for the demise of his friend. "No sun will rise today, let the world know that a great hero has passed" he said and the sun stopped in its tracks, right by the horizon, not rising anymore. Hermes was trying to console Dionysus, both crying silently as they mourned the loss of their closest friend. Aphrodite had tears gushing down her beautiful face, not being able to believe the fact that the only man she had loved and called a brother was gone. Hephaestus, though sad, managed to reign in his tears. Percy was one of the few people who had never judged him by his looks.

Athena, the most prideful one of the Olympians, hated to admit it but she indeed favored and somewhat adored the boy. She had assumed him to be dumb, just like any other child of Poseidon, but boy did he prove her wrong. Even with her severe case of hubris, she still had to agree, that boy was smart, maybe even smarter than some of her own children. He still infuriated her at times. Initially, she got very angry with him and felt like she wouldn't miss him at all when the prophecy comes to pass, but as time passed, she did too. With good competition from Percy on battle plans, which they would compete about until they ran into a deadlock, Athena managed to reign in her ego too. Percy had been like a little brother to her, very annoying, but yes, a brother. Now she just stood there, as a lone tear fell, seeing Percy's body, maybe the only child who wasn't hers but could take on Athena in battle planning and hope to win.

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