Chapter 1: Reunited

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Orynth (Erilea)

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her through the light-flooded corridors of the old castle. Counted thereby the few turns of the building, so familiar to her, and which she still had to cross. At Fae speed she raced through these coridors like a silver lightning.

Finally, she caught sight of the large and heavy doors of the throne room. She stopped. A calloused yet soft hand slid onto her shoulder and turned her around. She looked into turquoise eyes with gold around the pupil. Ashryver-Eyes. The eyes of the Queen of Terraseen, her mother. They were her own eyes too.

The queen looked amused at her daughters face. "My dear Evalin, why are we in such a hurry?" , played uncertainty resonated in her voice. "Where is he?" The princess's voice trembled a little as she said those words. Her mother looked towards the throne room with a concientious smile on her lips.

Just as Evalin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius wanted to set in motion again, the heavy doors of the throne room were opened. A golden head of hair appeared in the door frame and not a second later the girl threw herself into wide opened arms.

The White Wolf of Doranelle now known as Ambassador of Terrasen laughed while staggering back a little. But he returned the hug. "I've missed you so much, Ev." Her mothers faithful friend pressed his mouth into her hair as he whispered.

After a while, Evalin detached herself from him and pushed him away so that she could look into his face. She looked at his two Twin scars that adorned his beautiful face, he wore those scars as a reminder he had explained to her at least a thousand times. These scars had been inflicted on him by the dead Valg-Queen Maeve in the battle of Orynth, in which her parents fought proudly and victoriously.

One day your time will come, her parents kept saying to her when she complained about her own lack of glory. But her parents didn't understand what it was like to be the only one of your friends who had no powers. Even her mother, who now only has a small amount of magic, which is still very large compared to other peoples ones, doesn't understand.

She once had great amounts of magic, so great that she didn't even feel the bottom of it, if there had been any at all. But she had to waste her magic, as Aelin said so well, on the ungrateful gods when she had to seal the Wyrdgate. Her mother and her court were a living legend and many stories were told about the former Aelin Fire-Bringer.

But that was all secondary now, as the princess looked at the man she had known her whole life and who had grown so dear to her heart. "Fenrys" his name in her mouth widened his smile even more and he purred quietly.

"Well someone is happy" the Queen of Terrasen said smiling and she also hugged the Fae with the Onyx-coloured eyes. "How are you, Aelin?", Fenrys asked worried, "any news from Dorian?" Her mother shook her head, a little sadly. "But Ev here got news from Asterin, right?" Evalin nodded.

"Well, Nothing important.", she said looking at her fingernails which were all dirty from the many training fights today with her father, "but Asterin may have mentioned that Queen Sellene is on her way here and that she currently stays in Rifthold" Fenrys and her mother opened their mouths in disbelief. "I know, I know, nothing too important, just the Queen of the Fae. And shut your mouth, otherwise flies will fly in."

Even Aelin grinned at these words. "All your daughter", Fenrys said to the Queen, who first smiled proudly, but then she remembered the princess's words again and replied reproachfully "Are you telling me that only now?" Evalin grinned at her mother "Yep, it seems so." "Evalin, how could you! We have to give your father's cousin a proper welcome. Especially if she is the queen of such a powerful kingdom!"

"Relax, mother" Evalin said while rolling her eyes, "I don't think that our beloved cousin will punish you forever if she doesn't get a parade to greet her." Fenrys had to keep from laughing and got a withering look from her mother when he added: "I know someone who would do that."

Now it was Evalin's turn to keep from laughing. "Make fun of me as much as you want, but you don't appreciate a parade enough." , the Queen muttered angily. "Do they both annoy you again, fireheart?"

She saw her father, who was still in his training clothes and who was now approaching them. He patted Fenrys on the shoulder as he passed and put an arm around her mother.

"Hey Buzzard", her mother said loving. Evalin's heart was always warm when she saw the love and understanding with which her parents looked at each other. As if they were one soul in two bodies.

She wished that she would find someone herself who would turn the world around for her, just as her father had done for her mother when Maeve captured and tortured her.

As if everything that had been before had been forgotten, her parents stepped into the garden of the magnificent palace in Orynth, to be to themselves for a while. Evalin still remembered her early childhood and how she had loved playing hide and seek in this garden with her cousins.

"Come on, we have to prepare a party", Fenrys said to her, offering her his arm. Evalin hooked herself up with him and together they made their way to the kitchen.

The Princess of Terrasen, only child of Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius and her husband Rowan, had turned 16 a few weeks ago and a big celebration was coming up.

On the way to the kitchen at the other end of the castle, Fenrys told her about his trip to the far east Fae lands, which he had to visit regularly, as Ambassador of Terrasen.

"I also have a belated birthday present for you", he said, handing her a rectangular box made of red velvet. When Evalin opened it, it took her breath away. Inside the box were two twin daggers with beautiful decorations on the handles, with symbols she had never seen before. Large sapphires were worked into both handles. When she raised one dagger, the bright silver gleamed in the sunlight. The counterpart of the other dagger, which shone in a dark silver.

"Asterion steal" Fenrys said grinning. Evalin couldn't put her thanks in words when she finally averted her gaze from these two precious treasures. "I cannot accept that", she said to her friend in awe. "Of course you can", replied the Fae, "you are your mother's daughter and besides, I know what women like."

He was still grinning.

"Oh shut up", Evalin said with a smile on her face. Then her gaze became serious again. "Thank you for that, although I'm not sure how to deserve this."

Fenrys stopped moving and looked deep into her eyes. "You deserve that and so much more. Just look at you. You are beautiful, smart and a real fighter. You deserve the world."

The princess blushed at these flattering words. She was indeed a beauty, with the turquoise Ashryver-Eyes that had a gold ring around the pupil and with the long silver hair that she had from her father. Evalin was really extraordinary. In addition, there was her well-toned body, which she cared for and challenged every day. Even now, at the tender age of 16, her body was showing clear curves.

But as beautiful and perfect as she appeared on the outside, inside she was nothing more than a wreck that collapsed at the slightest movement. She had neither the willpower of her mother, nor the strength of her father. Evalin often seemed determined and strong on the outside, but on the inside she was weak.

One of the reasons for this was that she had such strong parents and that everyone expected her to be exactly like that. As Fenrys said: she was her mother's daughter. These words broke Evalin inside.

Rather, however, her mental weakness was due to the fact that she had no magic. Not a spark. It really shone like a miracle, many said, that the daughter of two such powerful Fae had not inherited a drop of magic. And as long as she and her father tried to lure her magic out of her, it didn't work.

Fenrys must have seen a shadow fall over Evalin's eyes because he took her face in his hands and looked so deep into her eyes that he could probably see her pathetic soul.

"Ev I want you to know that I'll always be there for you. I know you have always had a hard time standing in the shadow of your parents, even if it was unintentional by them, but you are so great and kind that you don't even need all that magic and power."

Evalin nodded and swallowed her doubts. Then the two friends continued on their way.

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