Book One, Chapter Nineteen: His Name Is

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The next morning they woke up in preparation to tend to their new daughter. They waited weeks to see if Gaia's parents would show up but they never came. So they adopted her and treated her like she was their own daughter. The fox Spirit came back from time to time as Gaia's power grew stronger and stronger each day. Before they had even realize years had gone by, Gaia was 9 years old by now. She learned how to hunt and use a bow and arrow just like her father. Gaia grew up to be as free spirited as her mother. All the villagers love Gaia no one treated her like she was different. Gaia visited the spiritual leader from time to time for check-ups on her mana. She even started to take a liking to the spiritual leader, even looking at her as a grandmother almost.
Adsila: Well hello there Gaia. How are you on this beautiful day.
Gaia: Hi granny sorry I'm late I just came back from a hunting trip with my father.
Adsila: That's okay dear, now how's the training for your magic going?
Gaia: Nothing yet. The most magic I have seen is Mitimoye.
Adsila: Who is Mitimoye my child?
Gaia: Mitimoye is the name of my spirit animal.
Adsila: My Gaia, you're so young but yet you already have a spirit animal. I do believe you're the only child in the village who has a spirit animal. So you haven't experienced any magic other than your fox?
Gaia: My dad tried to teach me his wind arrow technique but I can't control the air. Then mom tried to teach me water magic but I can't control water. I've even tried to control fire but I just ended up burning myself.
Adsila: Where did you burn yourself?
Gaia: On my hands a few days ago.
Spiritual leader: But Gaia your hands are perfectly fine.
Gaia: Yeah I'm okay now but when it happened it really hurt. My dad told me I have to be more careful and that my magic power's will come to me in the right time.
Adsila: Looks like your mom already healed your hands.
Gaia: Nope, she didnt. By the time she got back from getting supplies from the forest my hands were already healed.
This was strange to the spiritual leader. She couldn't rap her head around how Gaia could've healed herself.
Adsila: Is there anything else going on Gaia?
Gaia: Well I haven't told anyone but I've been having this weird dream lately.
Adsila: Go ahead and tell me about it my child.
Gaia: Well I'm in a dark foggy forest. I can't see much but its ice cold all around me. I hear the cry of a wolf and a boy's voice calling out for someone. I would shout back "who's there?" and all I would hear is the name Erebus. I would follow the voice the best I can. The closer I got to the voice the darker and colder the forest around me would get. I don't know anyone named Erebus, but in my dream his voice makes me Like I feel like I could trust this voice.
Adsila: As a gift from mother Aiyanna, it is your duty to find this young man you speak of. He could be another one of mother Aiyanna gifts to humanity. You were meant to be a God amongst us young child but, you must learn the ways of mankind first. I believe all the questions you have will be answered when you are older, but for right now as an 9 year old you shouldn't worry so much.
Gaia: I'm basically 10 years old granny.
Adsila: Still to young to worry. Your mother is only 29 years old and she's as free as a bird. Maybe you've been hanging around your mood killer of a father too much. Dont worry about your powers, everything will come in do time my child.
Gaia: Oh okay. Bye granny I'll see you later.
Adsila: See you soon my child and be save.
Gaia grabbed her bow and headed home. While walking through the village, she kept thinking about the name Erebus. The mystery name that clouds her mind. Aimlessly walking she bumps into her friends.
Izusa: Hey Gaia, over here.
Gaia: Huh... oh hey guys what's up?
Nahele: Nothing we're just thinking about going out into the forest.
Huracán: Hey Nahele, what's with that stupid bird on your head?
Nahele:(laughs) I don't know, I woke up and when I went outside he just sat there.
Huracán: Bird brain will be your name for now on. So what do you say Gaia, do you wanna come with us?
Inola: Hold on why does she have to come with us.
Gaia: Sure Huracán, I already have my bow and arrows.
Huracán & Izusa: Yes we are now are you coming or not?
Inola: Fine I'll come. So Gaia have you learned any magic yet or are you still using sticks?
Gaia: Man you're really annoying. Inola why are you always bothering me?
Inola: Because I'm gonna be this tribes best archer and I can't have someone with no magic power's out do me.
Gaia: Well at least you recognize that I'm better than you.
Gaia: Okay, okay just stop yelling. So where are we going you guys.
Izusa: I found this great water hole just outside the village. My dad showed me how to mark areas I've traveled to with my magic so I can always go back there.
Nahele: Great so why are we walking then?
Izusa: Cause dummy, I have to be close enough to the water hole to travel there.
Nahele & Huracán: This sounds like a long trip.
Izusa: Well excuse me I dont have that much magic power.
Gaia: Its cool a good walk is exactly what we need.

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