What's In The Dark

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A/N - Perhaps you could follow the instructions Bella gives Anastasia if your brave enough and think you can handle it/ Don't scare easily💀

Anastasia: Why are you afraid of the dark Bella?

Bella: I'm not afraid of the dark.

Anastasia: Yes you are. You sleep with a night light.

Bella: I know.

Anastasia: Your 17... Don't you think it Is kind of babyish...

Bella: Perhaps.

Anastasia is typing

Bella: I'm not afraid of the dark Ana. I'm afraid of what is in the dark.

Anastasia: I understand that... But it can't be that bad. Plus I thought you liked night walks...

Bella: I do. I love them... But I'm more afraid inside.

Anastasia: But... Why?

Bella: OK... Do me a favour... Message me later when you are in bed. All tucked up and away.

Anastasia: Um OK.

5 hours later

Anastasia: OK, I'm in bed.

Bella: OK is the lights turned off?

Anastasia: Yes.

Bella: OK.

Bella: Go under your covers.

Anastasia: Why?

Bella: Just... Just do it.

Anastasia: Ok done. But I really don't see how this is going to help me see things from your point of view.

Bella: OK, what if I told you just outside your blanket.

Bella: Right next to your bed.

Bella: Is a face staring right at you.

Bella: Waiting for you to come out of your blanket.

Anastasia: Well I mean it would be rather scary if a person was there just staring at me... But there isn't... Right?

Bella: Not a person. A thing.

Anastasia: Like what kind of thing...

Bella: Like that thing you saw in your nightmares.

Anastasia: That's not funny Bella.

Bella: Just sitting there staring at you with its empty sockets. Its outstretched grin, it's slimy tounge that hangs out of it's mouth ready to mark you with the mark of death... So every creature. Every demon. Every thing. Knows you are it's prey.

Anastasia: Stop Bella. I get your point. It is not funny. Besides that creature don't exist. It was just a dream.

Bella: Doesn't it? You know your brain can't make up faces when you sleep so every nightmare creature is something you have seen... when awake... Even if it was just at the corner of your eye.

Anastasia: Your lying.

Bella: No. It is scientifically proven.

Anastasia: Whatever I still don't believe you. Besides I'll just sleep under the covers the whole night, even if I can barley breathe.

Bella: You think that will protect you?

Bella: I guess I forgot to mention where its eyes were.

Anastasia: Huh?

Bella: Its sockets were empty. But... His eyes are still there with you.

Bella: They are engraved, hidden in the very blankets you sleep in. Watching you breathe heavily, sweating excessively.

Anastasia: Bella...

Bella: Yes?

Anastasia: Don't... Don't you think your making this up. It is a bit far fetched.

Bella: Perhaps. But if that true... Why you still hiding underneath your blanket.

Anastasia: Just in case.

Bella: If your not afraid... Come out with your eyes open.

Anastasia: I hate that I am asking... But is the wall okay to look at. I must admit your story has spooked me a little I don't want to look behind me next to the open side of my bed And after that thing you told me bout the eyes in the cover... Well I don't think that true because I don't see anything.

Bella: But you still feel watched... Right? If you imagined its face appearing on the sheets in front of you... Well can you imagine it? It is no coincidence.

Anastasia: Please stop! I'm coming out.

Bella: I hope you have your eyes shut.

Anastasia: No! Why?

Bella: Because to answer your question... No the wall isn't safe. Because the creatures hands are stretchy and can grow unnaturally.

Bella: Under the bed and up the other side... By the wall. It's hand grabbing you by any part it can and grabbing you. Pulling you deep under the bed through the tiny thin gap in to the land of the forgotten.

Anastasia: Well I guess it is lucky my floor is on the floor then fully.

Bella: You think that will stop it. Your more niave than I thought.

Anastasia: What will it do then?

Bella: just close your eyes and go to sleep.

Anastasia: No Bell. What will it do.

Bella: Nothing if you go to sleep. Or that's how I have survived this long.

Anastasia: How am I meant to sleep now knowing all of that... Do I even want to know why your scared of mirrors?

Bella: Nope :) Night.

Anastasia: I need a light just to stop my imagination going wild.

Bella: No. It will fall on you from the ceiling if you don't see it right next to you.

Anastasia: Do you hate me that much! Goh I'm not getting any sleep tonight :(

Bella: Night :)

Anastasia: Mhgm. Night. I guess.

A/N - Hope you enjoyed it :) if you are scared right now honestly just close your eyes and go to sleep you will be fine. I promise. 😭😂✋

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