Don't steal! You may regret it

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Camille: Hey Bella

Bella: Hey, what's up

Camille: Well

Bella: Well ....?

Camille: Well...I have been hiding something from you and I am very sorry but...
Bella : Oh, you mean how you Stoll my bracelet?

Camille: Wait. How did you know

Bella: Because I'm not dumb, I know were you hide everything - remember?

Camille: Oh yh, I forgot about that haha ... Want it back ?

Bella: Nah, you keep it 😀

Camille : Oh wow thanks, your such a kind friend ☺️

Bella: Don't thank me yet 😀

Camille: Ummm...right ok, Thanks though?

2hours later

Camille: Oh my god, did you hear about Dan! 😕

Bella: Yh

Camille: I just can't believe it, he was one of our best friends!

Bella : Hmm yh

Camille: How arr you so calm!

Bella : Well Dan was Dan and last we hanged we ended on a bad note 

Camille : The last thing he did was steal your hat! Your still going to hold that over him - even though he is dead now?

Bella: Yh...

Camille : But you forgived him - from what I remember?

Bella: Yh, but you will see,people pay for stealing from me

Camille : But you could have made him give it back - he did offer!

Bella is typing ...

Camille: Wait...
Y - you killed him, didn't you? - you murderer!

Camille: Wait. Stay back - stay away from me! You forgive me said I could keep it ...

Camille: Bella please !

Bella: No, I did not kill him I'm not that harsh!😈 But you see who ever steals from me is cursed and the universe kills them as they stoll an ancient item, oh and it doesn't matter whether I took the braclet back or not, You still stoll it  ....bye Camille have a nice trip

Camille: What, what - what is so special about you the universe would kill anyone you please? and what you mean by ancient.

Bella: I'm a witch I could kill all of you but as I love the things I collect I hate for them to get stollen and me and the universe we have a deal they ethier kill a few people who still from me or I destroy everyone.
Oh, the deed has been done ...such a shame you will never know why the universe betrayed you 😈

On TV the next day : 16 yr old Camille died when tripping over an electric wire and hitting her head to hard on the wall, she will be missed by all

Bella: Not by all. Muahaha

Question (A/n) How would you feel of someone was to steal from you?

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