Chapter One: The Begining of the End

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The alarm sounds, screaming at me to get up. I rise, pissed that my dream is now over. Dreaming is the only freedom I get from this hell hole I reside in. My dreams are free, not controlled. Today's my Chosen Day, where when any individual, male or female who turns 21 finally gets the choice to choose where they want to be placed. There's a catch; we don't actually get to choose, no the world leaders choose for us, based on the way we have lived our life. I made sure I lived my life terribly, missing in classes as much as possible, failing on purpose, the works. I only manage to be on their radar just enough so that they want to get rid of me.

If your good in your school year, they'll change you, making you one of them forever. If your bad, making a terrible mistake out of yourself, they'll kill you, or make sure you breed with other humans in there camps for at least 10 years, then killed. I hope to be killed. There is also a third option, one that I hate that is even created: become a slave. I would be forced to do whatever asked of from whoever asked. 

I can never become a vampire, I despise them. The Academy I was rasied in made sure that we would always fear them and never go against them. Act out of line, and your beaten, whipped into servitiude. Step on the wrong persons shoes, tell the incorrect answer, even waste your food they make sure to feed us, and you get beat. After the 8 years of being here, i've recieved many different kinds of beatings. I can't help it, I love to get under the bloodsuckers skin.

When your born in this very different time, you live with your born caregiver for only 1 year of life. They nuture you, breast feed you, then send you off to the school. The next 12 years, your in Primary school, where they teach you basic things, reading, writing, you know, the works. But its not normal reading and writing of course, no, it's all about vampires and their exsitance. How to greet them, how to treat them, what to do around them, what not to do around them, everything. Even their history, for we must pay respect for the tragdey that led to the human races demise. Its been 100 years since then fatal day, and we still pay the price even now. 

Those times are taught to us as the *Dark Days*. Whenever it is mentioned in any class or any public area, we humans must bow our heads and apologize for what we did. Even though our generation didn't do a damn thing, they still make us act like it was just yesterday or some shit. The world has never been the same since then. Every human was put into various parts of every country on every contenient. We call these areas, Zones. The Zones are named by colors and numbers, so that its easier for them to keep track of us all. For instance, my Zone is Zone 1223 Blue. We live in what used to be called California. I know this because I once snuck a book I found hidden, and read what was tilted "Map". It had a circle around a odly shaped piece of land, where the middle had California written on it, and it was circled with a bright red marker saying, "Your Here". The vamps keep most of our history unknown to us, so we truly have no clue what the world was like before the *Dark Days*. They say its for our own good, but I don't believe them. I'll never ever trust a bloodsucker after everything they've done. 

In your first 12 years of life, your treated normal, as if your equal to them yet below them. But at as soon as your 13th birthday, everything changes. Your thrown into The Academy, where you spend another 8 years learning, and traing to either become one of them, or die by one of them. Or in my case, become a slave to one of them. Friendships in your Primary years are allowed, and often pressed on you. They want you to have a friend, no, a BEST friend, so when the day comes and you need to be put into your place, they have something to hold against you. I'll never forget that day. The day everything changed, and I vowed to near bend or break for a bloodsucking bastard ever again. 

My plan is simple, become bad enough that they hate me, then get sent to South America, where they will put me to sleep, and drain me of all my blood. Then i'll die peacefully, as if it was all a dream. I wish things could be different, but thats not the case anymore. They ruined that a long time ago. 

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