Chapter 2: Well i'll be damned

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One by one he begans calling the names of my fallen comrades. Ha, like I care. Theres only two types of humans in this world now, the ones who want to become them, and the ones who only want to fuck them. Then there's me, the only one here who wants to die. Option C is the one for me. 

"Julia, please rise." 

Were only given first names, which our birthgiver is allowed to give us. No last names, those come after our Chosen Day. I look at Julia, as the spotlight is placed upon her. Its the girl from earlier who said she wanted to become one of them. 

"Welcome," he pauses, making everyone anxious, excpet for me. 

"New Born." She smiles excitedly, bowing her head, and giving thanks, before sitting back down. Guess she got what she wanted.  The girl next to her looks nervous, smoothing her skirt down and fixing her already straight hair. 

"Hazel" she rises. Spotlight on her. She wants to become a slave. So far every girl they've called, that being only 22, have been told there going to be a New Born. Wait till they get to me, and say South. I'm gonna laugh my ass off. 

"Slave" he says.

She almost screamed with excitement, but she calmed herself down quickly, bowed her head and sat back down. Shes in spot 22, im in spot 33. I'm getting closer and closer to my long awaited freedom. 23 is then called, and so on and so forth. When 27 gets called she becomes a slave, to her disappointment. I almost feel bad, almost, but its the same evil bitch who pushed me around for years throughout Primary school. Guess that bitch got what was coming to her. From then on, 28 29 30 and 31 also become slaves. The rest of the women seemed content, just happy that there not sent to their death. 

"Samantha" he says.

She rises, ready to hear her fate.

"New Born." 

She smiles brightly, showing off those perly whites. She sits back down, and gives my hand a squeeze. She knows the fate I desisre, and stopped trying to get me to change my mind a long time ago. I looked into her ocean blue eyes, and give her a quick hug in return. After all, this is the last time i'll see the girl I call friend.  I brace for empact, he's about to call my name.


I stand tall an head strong, ready for them to sentence me to my death. 


My heart stops. My once smug smile falls from my face. I sit down, unable to beilve what I just heard. Everything around me starts to move in slow motion, as I stare at the man who changed what I had planned for years. I didn't take those beatings and disobey for nothing.

Sam looks at me, mouthing im sorry, a slight tear reaching her eyes about to slide down. She won't let it though, for if they see her, they'll remove her and send her to her death. 

No no no no NO. This can not be happening! I did everything right, I failed the classes, I disobeyd, I got the living crap beat out of me every day, I made all the vampires and humans hate me. Now I have to become their goddamn slave? 

40 was the last number called, and the stupid man in the suit concludes the ceremony, making all the other women New Borns. The curtains with the six men closed at the begining, only opening enough so that they could see us but we couldn't see them. All I saw were peirceing red eyes. Disgusting. 

We all rise, apologize for our sins against their kind, and seperate into our groups. Those who become New Borns are sent to the right, where they will then be sent to places around the globe to live out their days as a monster. The 7 of us who became slaves, get sent on the left, through a door where no one has ever entered through and come back out of. I reach for Sam, not wanting to leave behind someone I actully like. She eaches back, but before we can touch a bloodsucking bastard interrupts us, pulling her abruptly and yanking her the other way. She yells out loud, "I will see you again someday! I swear it Elle!"

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