Dear reader

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Dear Reader,                                     1764

    First I would like to say that my life is just like any other strong patriots life. I have multiple brothers and sisters, I also live on top of the family shop. Before we get into the utter, reached details of my life, you should get to know my family, what my life is like, and me. Everything is normal about me. I have a normal family although it is a bit large, I have a normal life, I am a normal girl and, finally I have a normal occupation for a girl of my age.  I work with my family. My dad owns a shop that has just about anything and everything. My family is large, it consists of fifteen people including my beloved parents. When my mother was just a little girl she was taught that the British were wrong. My father was also tough the same way. So, they decided that they would have many kids. They decided that we would be a close family that worked together, and most importantly thought that the British were wrong and we were right.    
My parents started with my eldest brother, Jacob. They had decided that they would have more children so next was my brother Ethan, than my brother Alexander or Alex with his twin, Grace. Next up was my older sister Faith. Then came me, following right along came James, my younger brother. My mother then had triplets which was very rare. The triplets were named Joy, Gunner, and Freedom. And don't think that's the end. After the triplets they took another two year gap. Then they had my little sister Ella. After Ella was Charles.
  Next, I would like to say that I have many occupations. We have a rather large house with a shop. The first floor of our house or the shop is very busy. It is a clothing shop where we make clothing, shine shoes, make candles, and sell and press newspapers. I deeply wanted more friends and would like to be free from the British soldiers. Which is why my mother and father named my sister Freedom. I am also a strong hearted young lady, persistent, and I believe truly that the colonists should be set free from Great Britain.
When getting to know me you should know that I Skyler Green am Kind, caring, Brave, and a strong girl that loves to bake, I also think that all should have equal rights. Finally the last major thing that I think you should know about me is that I love to work outside with the boys.
Although I am a colonists daughter and must work inside, a few years ago I came across this amazing girl named Mary. Since I am not able to go outside I write notes and when I take the family mail I slip in the note for my friend and have the letter mailed to her. Now that you know about me, you can watch my best friend Mary and me go through the 1700's together with history being made, and all the wars and such. Will we survive?
Sincerely,     Skyler Green

Dear reader,                                                                         1764
My name is Mary Madison Cooper. I am 12 years old, and I live in a long line of Marys and Marthas. I love tea and chocolate but kids are not allowed to have chocolate, although sometimes my mother would allow me to have some. I hated this whole thought of war. I love peace and harmony, like how the birds sing in the morning. They are such Expergefactor.
The French and Indian war just ended last year and it feels like yesterday. The blood, the bones. It was a horrible time, but we will not get into that evile memory. Just about the revolutionary war. 
I have an older brother named Jon and he is head over heels about the war. He is 16 and he thrives for the thought of  "America's independence" . I don't care for that stuff, as long as my beloved brother is not drafted in such a battle. Then there is my younger sister. She is 5. I think of her as a hand full. She can't pick up a box with helium or at least mama and papa won't let her. My parents have never wanted a normal family like everyone else. They wanted three kids not 16 like the usual families.
My brother's stuck with studying and my sister just sits there all day. I have to do all the chores. First clean the clothes, then the floors, windows, sheets, and myself. Then I have to get the wheat, milk, sugar, eggs, and I have extra money to get something for me and I always get tea. I love mint and green tea. The feel it leaves on my tongue and it helps with headaches and home made medicon. I usually get all of that stuff from Skylers family farm and shop. I am their number one consumer mostly because I work there. I hate how I have to wear a dress down to my ankles. The dress is purple because it is the color of royalty and I have always dreamed of being swept up by my prince shining armour and becoming a princess. Purple is my favorite color. The dress makes me walk slower and It gets so hot in the humid summers.
My parents always complain about taxes and how they're getting higher. I am more worried about me moving to Connecticut. My family said that they can't take care of me anymore and they found a "lovely" rich family that has two other girls that are willing to adopt me. I will have to move and have a whole new routen, house, life, and most importantly, I will lose Skyler. She's not moving. She has so many siblings. Freedom, Joy, Alexander, and Gunner and me have always gotten along but, Ethan, and Jacob have always teased me and chased Skyler and me around the farm. When I am in my heels that cach up and throw me into the haystack and elbow drop me. Then Sklyler jumps on them. I have always wanted to but never had the courage. They're so tall and strong but I know they would protect me. Once in town a couple of older boys were robbing me and my food, then her brothers jumped in and saved me. The rest of their family I never got to talk to. They always ignored me. I am very thankful for them. I love her family and hope to keep in touch, I hope you enjoy reading our letters to each other.  

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