Chapter four

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Dear Skyler Green,                                                                                      1765, March 12
I have missed you , thank you for the uplifting message. I want to know how you are. I  have slept here and the "farm" is small. There are only chickens, horses, cows, and dogs. His name is Max, it is a weird name but he is a wonderful dog. When I have a break we just play and play. I love playing fetch. I live for the biggest sticks in the forest. He does nothing really, but he is good company when Sam isn't around.
O yes I need to tell you about Sam. His full name is Samual but I call him Sam. He is sweet and nice. I am strong and grounded. We talk all the time when we work and he always does extra chores. He lived on the farm with all of the animals. He has to do all of the heavy lifting when I can't do it. That of chores annoys me but really nothing happens, no one talks to each other except for us. It is very boring. 
Working on the farm is just like what we would do at yours except I don't see you. Everytime I look around this homestead I have flashbacks of you and me. Do you remember when we took the cows out for a ride and the horse flung me off into an old tree pond. Listen I have got to go, I need to go and get the water from the wheel I need to go. Love talking to you. Cheerio.
Mary Cooper Jr

"So this is my new life" I say as I am pulling hay to the horse. I am of course I'm talking to Sam, after all I have no other friends.
"Well I would get used to it," he stops pulling the hay. " I have been doing this my whole life and I have had to do it all by myself, no one to talk to, no one to help." he looks like he will explode with anger, He then just stomps away.
Sam never acts like this. He is always so cheerful and nice.  He always gets the work done and never just stomps way fuming. When Sam turned around I saw a big red rash. How could I have not seen it before. I am as blind as a bat. No wonder he is angry, he is in need of medical attention. Oh no oh no.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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