Chapter two

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Dear Skyler Green,                                                                                1764 , December 7
    All is well and I am glad that the officer is out. Right now I am in the adoption center and the family came yesterday. I am packing up and going to take a cart tomorrow. I am so nervous. The two girls are named Rossy and Silvea. They look jugy and mean. They were wearing a green and pink knee dress.  They were so ugly. They had orange hair and brown streaks. Her mom looked nice and was dressed well. Their father on the other hand looked like he just wanted me to clean and get food and patch up his socks.
He said to me "You call me sir only" with a mean tone .
" You are lucky to be here and watch your mouth." I am shaking in my boots. That man is crumpsy.
He kept saying that I was looking duncy. I am miffed. He is so rude the upinimy of ill manaderd. This is a ball up. Their family is full British and if anyone said lobster back or bloody backs they would be in rage the entire time. That is what happens to me. I am so annoyed that I will be spending Christmas with my new family.
Right now I am sitting on the floor while writing this. This place is rusty and dusty and I don't get how they travel here. I miss walking in the fields with you, the wind blowing, throwing our hair, the smell of the grass. I was just daydreaming about the time we went rolling down the hill and we fell into the haystack. Do you remember when we both snuck out of the house at midnight with Alexander as protection and we stayed up all night watching the stars. I wish I was with you. Riding this thing makes me tosh. This whole situation is making me stormy.

I wish you the best of luck sincerely,
Mary Cooper JR

The adoption home is rusty, it reeks of spoiled milk, and is infested with cockroaches. I have made no friends and I am not planning on it. I was only at the adoption center for a couple of days but the Brickwood family is going to pick me up tomorrow and then ride on there slow cart. I am packing my bags and all of my dirty, sticky clothes that I don't have time to clean and shoving them into my bag. The ladys who work there are mean and grumpy, there like my grandparents. They had wrinkles all thrown out their bodys, and they had the body type of uncooked pasta. The ladies are always yelling and throwing stuff at us. Mostly pillows or clothes. One time a kid forgot to make his bed and then they flipped over the frame and threw a pillow at the child. The matters hit the dirty floor and that wasn't even his punishment. The punishment was to sleep on the floor with no blanket or pillow and he got a wiping. All I heard was him pleading "I am sorry mama," he looked at me, "so so sorry."
There is one girl named Amber and is a sister of 17 brothers. Her family always wanted boys and got rid of her. They said that she was no use to them. She has eyes like the grass on a spring morning and a smile as bright as the sun. She had so many freckles, but each one strategically placed. She never talked much and that is all I know about her. There is one boy who is 14 and has a tough build. He said that he ran away from his parents when he was five and forgot them. He talked a lot but I zoned out most of the time. He usually said something along the lines of water and annoying kids. He was a bore.
The ladies say that she always has a smile on her face. I grab my green and brown bag and throw it over my shoulders. It is quite heavy but I am used to it from carrying the hay at Skylers farm. I walk to the cart that is taking me to Connecticut and my new father throws his stinky shoes on the grass and stares me down waiting for me to pick them up. I guess it was a test or madey just a rude thing he does. I pick up the shoes as if I was holding a bucket full of spiders. I carried them on the tip of my fingers hoping the smell does not grasp on my finger. I then drop them in the back of the cart and hop in. It looks like my new "mother and sisters" look like they have a cold. The father informes me to " Not fall asleep, I might need you, and don't be a clod" Like he will need me.
The ride was treacherous. I found a bottle of water and then took a nip of it but then the "father" yelled at me saying that you are so useless. These words just ricisheded off of me like a pencil off rubber. His words had no effect on me because I know he has no value to me, and no relation to me in any way shape or form. The water leaves a fresh taste in my mouth. Like a stream of water is rushing through my mouth.
The road is bumpy, I feel like I am driving over thousands of nails. The turns are slow and the sisters are mean. They keep saying " Why don't you go back where you came from italic,"
I look out the window and see the bright sparkly sky. The crescent moon high above me, but I feel as if I could touch it with my fingers. This reminds me of when back at home how me and skyler would go on night walks and star gaze. Everyone is asleep and that means that I can now sleep.
"Wake up, wake up pig," I opened my eyes to see my new sister silvea shaking the life out of me. When she sees my eyes she drops my head on the hard wooden floor then says " About time you woke up, I was about to pour water on your dirty pail face." This had some effect on me, but not much.
I pull myself off of the floor and brush off all of the dirt I think Rossy threw me. I could see her devices smerke from miles away. " We are here," my new mother said with the happiest tone. You would think I would be happy but I am miserable. This is my new life, miserable. I have to work double time to clean such a big house, I think. They probably have lots of tea that I can't tough and so many close to clean. Fabrics that I have never heard of. New reads and friends. I think last night before I drifted off to dreamland I overheard them saying that I will get no such education. I never went to school anyways and frankly I don't want to. My brother always tells me how horrible of a place it is. I never wanted to go to school. I had a dream last night. I was walking with Skyler and Free when a red horse came to us. I look back expecting to see free and Sky but it is black. Then I look forward and see a british soldier with a musket and suddenly I am the shackles on my wrist. Then there is an army of british people charging at me. I see a red horse and hop on the back of it. I am thanking Sky for giving me horse riding lessons years back. I run and run with all my might then I see a little boy on the ground bleeding and siding out " This means war." Then I awoke.
Apparently I was sleeping for multiple days. I step out of the cart expecting to see a massive house with only the finest curtains and stepps. I step out to see exactly that. A beautiful wooden house with a wood roof, stone colomes, stone stairs, and white curtains. In the back of the house there was a forest and the one and only Thames River.
Before I can take in the rest of the house the dad noges my shoulder and points with his finger to a bet in up shed and whispers in my ear " You will be staying over there," then hands me a piece of paper and pushes my stuff into my arms and shoves me turdes the shack. I sprint over there to open the creaky old door. I look around but be for I could take in the place it reeks of old socks and expired tea. The first thing I do is run to the bed, but once as I sit on it the bed snaps and I go straight to the floor. There is a wood desk with drawers that seems to have been rooted.
There is a little waxs left in a candle and a few matches. I take my stuff and carefully place and fold my stuff into the draws. All I can think about is all of the moments I had with skyler. Once in the winter when we were supposed to get bread but instead we went to the town square and sat on stone. This day people always started dancing so we did too. All I could remember was her shining white teeth smiling. Little did I know I would never see them again. When I left, we could not even say goodbye, because our parents agreed that that would cause too much trouble. I slowly roll out the piece of paper being careful not to rip it. I unravel it so I read it.
1. clean the clothes
2 . wash the dishes
3. survey and make breakfast
4. Get food-  milk and eggs there is a longer list on the broken fence
(Due all of the farm work with other workers)

The list frightens me. Do they expect me to do all of this? How will I sleep? What did my mother say to them to make them think that I can do all of this?  " Mary, we need a favor," I heard a voice call out in the yard. Just reading this list of tasks I must complete makes me knackered. This will be a long day.

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