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wei wuxian , lan wangji , lan xichen , nie huaisang and jiang cheng were in caiyi town.

wei wuxian was wearing his green and white robes given by his adoptive brother xie lian , he tied his hair in a neat ponytail , with some front hair in his forehead . he used the green white ribbon instead of red because lan wangji tied wei wuxian's red ribbon in his wrists and wore it proudly

on his wrists are ruoye , his brother has many of those so he didnt have to worry , plus wei wuxian has silver wraith butterflies hidden inside him.

jiang cheng was wearing his official jiang uniform as a heir his is stylish , his hair was styled in a bun with a purple ribbon , he had a scowl on his face while his sword his Stealthed on his left hip with his jiang clarity bell on his right hip

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jiang cheng was wearing his official jiang uniform as a heir his is stylish , his hair was styled in a bun with a purple ribbon , he had a scowl on his face while his sword his Stealthed on his left hip with his jiang clarity bell on his right hip

jiang cheng was wearing his official jiang uniform as a heir his is stylish , his hair was styled in a bun with a purple ribbon , he had a scowl on his face while his sword his Stealthed on his left hip with his jiang clarity bell on his right hip

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lan wangji and lan xichen were wearing their lan robes , the color was immaculate white , their foreheads have white cloth which is the lan forehead ribbon , lan xichen had a smile on his face while lan wangji had a glare and a cold face . but his eyes would soften seeing wei wuxian

while nie huaisang himself is wearing god and green robes , his face was delicate , he was carrying a fan and held an aura of shyness and artsy kind

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while nie huaisang himself is wearing god and green robes , his face was delicate , he was carrying a fan and held an aura of shyness and artsy kind

while nie huaisang himself is wearing god and green robes , his face was delicate , he was carrying a fan and held an aura of shyness and artsy kind

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wei wuxian grabbed gently lan wangji's arm and guided him to a hairpin shop.

there were many choices actually from wooden to plastic to silver to gold and to jade. the hairpins were nice and colorful and simple but yet it held a picture of grace

wei wuxian saw a hairpin with an interesting patterned shape , it was made out of jade

wei wuxian saw a hairpin with an interesting patterned shape , it was made out of jade

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wei wuxian smiled kindly to the old woman

wei wuxian : may i have that please?

wei wuxian pointed at the jade hairpin , the old woman nodded and she gave it to him to inspect 

wei wuxian : how much for this ?

old woman : for 2 silvers

lan wangji told wei wuxian he doesnt need to buy anything but wei wuxian just brushed it away even if lan wangji is beside him.

wei wuxian got his money pouch and was about to get money but then lan wangji stopped him , wei wuxian looked at lan wangji

wei wuxian : lan zhan??

lan wangji: i will pay for it

lan wangji was gonna get his pouch inside his robe but then wei wuxian held his hand and wei wuxian shakes his head

wei wuxian : i will pay it , it is for you lan zhan

lan wangji was about to argue that he shouldn't waste money for him but then when lan wangji was gonna open his mouth , wei wuxian kissed him infront of the old woman . the poor old woman covered her eyes with her hand. wei wuxian then broke the kiss while lan wangji was in daze

wei wuxian gave the old lady 2 silvers and wei wuxian got the hairpin and gave it to lan wangji

wei wuxian : for you

lan wangji sighed resigned but recieved the hairpin anyway.

wei wuxian and lan wangji went from stall to stall .

wei wuxian saw a man holding a stick that was big full of some candy fruits and the man was shouting "tanghulu , tanghulu"

wei wuxian visibly brightened up at lan wangji raised his eyebrow , wei wuxian looked at lan wangji

wei wuxian : have you tried tanghulu yet lan zhan??

lan wangji actually never tried any sweets except mooncakes and dragon beard candy because his uncle and sect elders doesnt allow them because they say its too sweet and it is bad for your health that is why lan wangji has no choice but to obey.

lan wangji shakes his head , wei wuxian shot lan wangji a shocked look

wei wuxian seeths: its because of those mountain goats , am i right?

lan wangji just kept silent but his eyes said everything. wei wuxian sighed but then smiled

wei wuxian : ill buy 4 tanghulu's lan zhan wait here okay?

lan wangji nodded

wei wuxian went running to the tanghulu seller

wei wuxian : can i buy 4 tanghulu's?

the tanghulu seller nods and gets 4 tanghulu's and gave them to wei wuxian

wei wuxian : how much is this??

tanghulu seller: 5 copper coins each

wei wuxian then payed the tanghulu seller 20 copper coins and he went back to lan wangji who was waiting for him in the shade

wei wuxian was then infront of lan wangji and gave him two tanghulu's

wei wuxian : eat it

lan wangji then toke a hesitant bite but then he was shocked that it was yummier than expected , so he ate both sticks with wei wuxian

wei wuxian giggles: is it yummy?

lan wangji nods but then what he didnt know his there are sugar coat on his right cheek

wei wuxian licked his thumb and cleaned lan wangji's cheek , which lan wangji didnt know why wei wuxian did that but he blushed

wei wuxian after cleaning lan zhan's cheek , licked his thumb

wei wuxian teased: tastes sweeter

lan wangji rolled his eyes but kissed wei wuxian in the cheeks which wei wuxian laughed on.

they went to another stall that had cakes

wei wuxian : 5 osthamus cakes please.

wei wuxian after recieving the osthamus cake made lan wangji ate one , which lan wangji returned.

they kept feeding each other cakes and sharing clear loving stares.

everyone on the streets (sellers , customers , young masters & mistress and etc.) including the heirs that were with wei wuxian and lan wangji were thinking the same thing

"give them atleast a room" and " we are currently eating dog food here"

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