Sensory Overload

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Peter knew the moment he woke up that today was one of those days. They happened a few times a month. He just felt so bad, because he would suffer through headaches and nausea all day.

This morning, his head was pounding and before he even opened his eyes, light penetrated through his skull. He groaned and rolled over, pulling the blanket tighter over his face. The movement aggravated his senses, though, the soft fabric rubbing at his skin uncomfortably.

Peter knew he had to get out of bed, otherwise Aunt May would come and see if he was okay, and that would be bad, because she didn't know he was Spider-Man. He always just played it off like he was fine, avoiding breakfast and running out the door as soon as he could. School was a nightmare. All the kids yelling and running, and he could actually hear every small sound. Every pencil dropping, or door slamming. Every ball squeaking in the gym, and every teacher tapping on their boards.

Peter quickly dressed and headed out the door, peaking around the corner for May. She was busy trying to make pancakes at the stove, and the smell almost made Peter throw up in his mouth. He hurried out the door, calling a rushed goodbye and jogging down the hallway.

As soon as he got to first period, he immediately put his head down on his desk. It was blessedly cool to his skin, but not a moment later, his teacher called on him.

"Mr. Parker, I asked you to answer the question on the board." She said sternly, probably expecting him not to be able to answer.

He glanced at the problem. "Uh, the answer is 29 because if you move all the variables to one side you're left with 12 plus 17."

The teacher wrote his answer on the board and Peter put his head back down. It was a really good thing he had studied ahead.

When he got to his second class, Ned was waiting for him. "Hey, man you don't look so good," he said after a few moments of consideration.

"Well, I feel like crap. But I just have to make it through school, then I'll go to my internship." Peter replied, trying to block the sound of chairs screeching as they were pulled out and kids sat down, chatting amiably.

"Dude, maybe you should go home. May would pick you up, or Mr. Stark."

"No. I'm fine. I don't need to call anyone."

Peter made it through the first half of his day, but had to hide out in the bathroom during lunch because he knew for a fact that it would be too much. He felt bad leaving Ned, but MJ would sit by him, so he should be fine.

Peter sat on the floor of one of the stalls, the throbbing in his head and the rest of his body seemingly getting worse as the minutes dragged by. He figured that there were only two or three hours until Happy would pick him up, and he could go work on his suit. He could make it that long. Plus, if he called anyone, he would probably seem really pathetic, and then Mr. Stark wouldn't let him come on any more missions. His previous one with some of the Avengers had been so cool, and he didn't want it to be his last.

He thought back to the day, trying to distract himself. It had been a rainy Thursday, and Tony had gotten some notification on his phone. He and Peter had been working on his suit, doing upgrades and things like that.

"Hey kid, you wanna come on a mission?" He had asked casually.

"Like, with the Avengers?" Peter had never worked with anyone but Tony before, except in Germany.

"Yep. They need some help downtown, and I think it would be good for you to meet some of the team. I mean, I know you had that whole debacle with Steve and Bucky, but they're not usually like that."

5 times Peter called Tony, and 1 time Tony called himWhere stories live. Discover now