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The mission Tony and Peter were on was supposed to be top secret. That meant that no one knew where they were or even that they were doing anything different than tinkering in the lab. Well, actually, Happy knew because he'd driven them to the rendezvous point.

The point of the mission was to secure a weapon's blueprints that had been stolen by a Hydra wannabe company. Tony wouldn't've let Peter come, but he really was the best choice. He excelled in anything that involved stealth, and was smart enough to hack into the computer system and download the documents, then delete them from the enemy's mainframe.

So here they were, locked in a room because the copycat Hydra agents were way more well rained and equipped than they had originally thought. Peter was pacing impatiently back and forth in front of the only piece of furniture in the cold, dank room; a grey metal table with no chairs. Tony was standing near him. He looked like he was thinking hard. There wasn't a door, and because they had been knocked out by gas, neither had any idea how they had gotten in there.

Peter was just about to say something when a click, so quiet no one without enhanced hearing would be able to detect, sounded somewhere to his left. He turned and realized what was happening just as the sound got louder. Peter had only seconds to act, and he scrambled backwards, spidey senses screaming at him to get out of there.

"GET DOWN!" He screamed, just as a huge boom exploded his eardrums and Peter threw himself in front of Tony.


Tony's world was only light, sound, and heat. He was blasted backward, and registered pain, but couldn't tell where the origin was. Landing with a thump, he heard screams, both distant and one that seemed to be right in his ear. He didn't even know if he was screaming himself, feeling extremely shell-shocked.

He forced his eyes open and took in the sight around where he lay. There was wreckage everywhere; rubble and bits of steel and concrete. Ash drifted on the wind, settling over every surface. A strange, orange light emanated from somewhere near him, bathing everything in a soft glow. Tony didn't notice the teenager sprawled across his chest, body half wrapped around him, until he attempted to sit up.

Peter, his Peter, was completely limp, just lying there on top of him. There was blood everywhere, and his back was ravaged from being so close to the...the explosive? Some kind of bomb? Tony shifted so he could see the extent of the damage, bringing Peter up to his chest. Tony felt horror nearly overwhelm him as he put together what had happened. The kid had obviously sensed the danger and immediately jumped in front of him.

Why are you so brave? All it gets you is pain. "And it keeps your loved ones safe," his brain supplied, because Tony would have done and would do the same thing. Still, this was fifteen year old that had sacrificed so many things already. He'd gotten bitten by a radioactive spider, then watched his uncle bleed out in front of him, and instead of becoming the most popular kid at school or playing whatever sport he wanted, he'd made his own suit and snuck out to save people's lives.

"Oh, Pete," Tony whispered haltingly as he carefully examined the teenager for injures. His whole back was burned, and imbedded with glass shards, with a larger piece lodged in his stomach. That was what was causing all the blood, along with multiple contusions covering his body. He was, thankfully, only unconscious, head lolling against Tony's shoulder weakly. Blood dripped from a long cut at his hairline, oozing down his lax face.

Tony had no idea what to do. They were miles from any kind of hospital, and backup wasn't coming, because only one person knew about this mission and they had no contact with them. Tony glanced around the destruction, looking for his suit. Luckily, it was discarded a few yards away, pretty much untouched. As gently as he could, Tony laid Peter down, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead before moving to get the suit.

5 times Peter called Tony, and 1 time Tony called himWhere stories live. Discover now