Chp 2- Viewers Description Advised---->

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Chapter 2-

-Isabella's POV-

I'd been studying for over three hours now and it was nearly six  O'clock. I heard an familiar, quiet 'DING' from my phone, I bet its Jack, I thought to myself as I picked my phone up to check what message I had. Then I realized it was from Conor.

'I'm coming round in five minutes, baby ;)x' Was all he sent me. Usually I only get texts from Conor's mobile if Jack's phone ran out of battery but Jack never calls me 'baby' or leaves a kiss at the end of the text,

'Ok' Was all I replied.


I heard the knock on the front door and got up from my desk, my parents weren't home so I had to get the door.

I made my way down the stairs to the front door and let out a small sigh before opening it.

“Hey, Beautiful.” Jack said leaning on the door frame when the door was fully opened.

“Baby!” I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed me on the cheek.

“I've come to help you relieve your stress, your working to hard!” He winked.

“How you propose your gonna do that, eh?” I replied smirking.

“How 'bout you take a shower and after you come out I'll give you a lovely massage.”

I shrugged my shoulders and walked inside,”Whatever, I'll be twenty minutes.”

He nodded and walked in too, closing the door behind him.


It wasn’t until I was humming to myself, eyes closed that I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Practically jumping of my skin, I whipped around to see Jack smirking down at me. “What the actual hell Jack?” I spat, shoving him in the shoulder. “You scared the shit out of me!”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to scare you.” He chuckled, staring down at me in an amused manner.

I sighed, trying hard to bring my breathing rate back to normal. “God, Jack. Couldn’t you have just, I don’t know, knocked on the door or something?” I stared up at him incredulously. “The least you could have done was warn me that you were coming in.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.” Jack smiled, kissing me softly on the lips. “Now, onto more important things…” Grabbing onto my hands, he stared lovingly into my eyes.

“I would like to finish my shower in peace, thank you very much.” Turning, I continued lathering my skin, expecting Jack to actually listen to me for once and leave but instead, as expected, he did the opposite.

Pressing himself up against me from behind, he placed his hands on hips. “Bella…” He murmured into my ear.

I gasped the moment Jack's lips began kissing the soft spot on my neck.

Tightening his grip on me, Jack began sucking on the skin, his tongue sliding against my wet skin, his teeth soon gnawing at it.

Moaning, I leaned my head back against Jack’s shoulder, one of my arms wrapping itself around his neck from behind.

Kissing down to my shoulder, he pulled away, turning me over before pushing me up against the wall of the shower, attacking my lips soon after, my arms instinctively wrapped around him, bringing him closer to me.

Digging his fingers into my thighs, he pulled me up, my legs tying themselves around his waist, bringing him even closer to my body.

Sucking on my bottom lip, he chewed on it before biting so that he could slide his tongue in, mine soon fighting with his for dominance.

I moaned loudly, clawing my fingers into his hair and pulling at the ends. “Jack…” I mumbled into his mouth.

Kissing down my neck once more, Jack pulled away, breathing heavy. Pressing his forehead to mine, his chest moving up and down at an uneven pace, he licked his lips. “

“I love you.” I whispered before leaning forwards and recapturing our lips. Extending my head downwards as he moved upwards, the veins in his neck visible, so that we would meet evenly in the middle, I continued slipping my tongue against his, tasting him.

Kissing all the way down to my chest, Jack didn’t hesitate before taking one of my breasts into his mouth, sucking on it, bringing me to an all-time lustful high.

“Jack,” I moaned out, scratching his shoulders as I tried hard not to make too much noise.

“I want you so bad right now.” He mumbled breathlessly against my chest after he had finished doing his magic on my other breast. “I want to feel you…” He trailed off, nipping at my collarbone.

Arching my body so that I surged myself against him, I bit my lip. “Please…” I whimpered, indicating that I wanted him just as bad.

“Baby…” Jack whispered. “It’s too soon.” He growled lowly as I twisted my hips against his shaft.

I shook my head, not being able to wait any longer. “Do it, now.”

“I’ll hurt you.” He mumbled.

“Go slow.”

“I don’t think I’ll be able to, baby. I want to ride you out so bad right now.” He moaned into my neck, holding onto me tightly.

“Fine, then I’ll do it myself.” Before Jack had the chance to even process what I had just said, I dipped myself low before slowly entering Jack’s dick inside of me. I moaned, throwing my head back against the wall in ecstasy.

“Fuck, Bella.” Jack rasped, moving in and out of me in a slow, steady rate, careful as to not hurt me being that I was still sore from last night.

Placing several kisses on my lips, Jack groaned, pushing in and out of me, an arousal of desire forming around us as he took in sharp breaths.

“You feel so good baby…” Jack whispered in my ear, digging his fingers into my hips as he began to move a bit faster as I bulked my hips, moving in sync with him until I felt myself coming close to the end.

“Jack…” I gasped, feeling everything build up inside of me, ready to release in just a moment’s time.

“Bella…” Jack quickened, trying hard to not to hurt me as his breathing became short, sweat building up at his hair line. “Fuck.” Thrusting into me once more, I clamped around him, coming closer to my release until finally, I came, “Conor!” I screamed.  

All Cred Goes To @JileyyOverbored <3 We are not comfortable Writing Sexy Time Scenes ;) If You Want To Do Them For Us, Comment <3 ;* xx

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