The claws come out

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Karissa's POV

"Thanks guys for cleaning i appreciate it." i said smiling to the boys thankful that i didn't have to clean up my mess. "Your welcome, thanks for cooking us breakfst it was delicious." Liam spoke. I smiled back not wanting to say another word.

When i looked up i saw all the boys staring at me especially Zayn. When i caught him staring he quickly looked away and stood. I took a glimpse at his out fit and smiled. I'm not sure why i smiled. "C'mon guys lets go." zayn announced. The boys stood up and we walked out of the house and into a van they had in their garage and then we drove off. When i sat between Liam and Zayn they started wrapping something around my head blocking off my eye vision. I quickly ripped the blindfold off my eyes and screamed "what the hell do you guys think er doing?" and then i instantly broke down in tears remembering my so called 'nightmare' lastnight. "Karissa what's up with you? You've either been really emotional or really angry. Are you like on your period or something?" niall asked while laughing to himself. I instantly stopped crying and looked up to see a smirking Niall. "Holy shit her eyes are black!" i heard louis say. "Wanna repeat what you said Mr.Horan?" i said. "Uh... No sorry." niall said looking down. I looked away closing my eyes annoyed with the boys already.

A/N This is a bad chapter but its another filler :-(  but atleast i updated. Lol i know its bad im just so tired i had a volleyball all day.:-(

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