Shopping trip

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A/N Hey my peeps told ya guys id update. I love u guys hope u enjoy.♡♥
1 day later

Yesterday was when Louis tried to shoot Liam for asking if i could go shopping then he went all psyco and i also found out that the pills the guys gave him were his 'medication'. When Niall punched Louis i just decided to go to bed not wanting to be involved any longer.

I got out of bed going to the restroom so i could go and pee. Once i was finished i washed my hands  and rinced my face so i don't go downstairs with drool coming out of my mouth. I walked out of my bathroom with my cute little pajamas on and my hair in a high messy bun. I exit outmy room walking into the hallway until i bump into something hard i looked up but only to be greeted by Harry but when i actually tokk a good look at him a screamed. Once i screamed all the boys came rushing towards us. "Whats wrong, who got hurt?!" Liam asked in a panicky voice. "The only thing that is hurt is my eyes! Look at Harry!" I said pointing inthe area where he was standing. "Omg! Harry go put on some clothes! We have a girl living withus so u cant be go walking around naked!" Liam scolded Harry for being naked and i bumped into him ewwww! But he has a nice body with all his tatoos and his amazing pack of abs." Mhmmm i smell bacon who's cooking? I asked everyone shrugged so we all went downstairs to see who was cooking.

When we all entered the kitchen we saw Louis flipping some pancakes. "Umm morning" i said in a wisper to louis. "Morning Kar" luis said in areally cheerful voice. When i heard him say that nickname my father only called me i broke down in tears. "Louis! Whatdid u do now?! Liam spoke."He didnt do anything its just my dad use to call me that." I managed to choke out while i continued to cry. Harry walked down the stairs actually wearing some clothes. "Who wants to watch some TV. Harry asked while plopping down on a black leather couch. Once i finished crying i wiped away my tears and sat next to Harry. "Can we please watch 'The Stalker'?" I asked him since he had the tv controller. "I have never heard of that show in my entire life." He said. "Well then lets watch cause its my favorite show." I said.

When we were about 15 minutes into the show the rest of the boys joined us. "Sorry guys but i burnt breakfast so we're gonna have to eat out."louis said. "Why are u acting so diffrent louis?" I question. "Haha Karissa your so funny."Louis said then laughing hysterically. Then i started laughing cause everyone knows laughing is contagious. "Ummm can we please go shopping today i need clothes and some girl stuff." I asked all of them with puppy eyes. "Omg Karissa why do have to do that face?"everyone said in unison. "What? It would be nice to not wear boxers and humongous shirts every day. You know im a girl i would like to feel pretty sometimes." I said looking straight at Niall giving him puppy eyes cause i already know that Harry and Niall likes me. "Karissa's right she should atleast have some cute bras and underwears." Niall said with a smirk plastered on his voice. And that was when i shot him a death glare. "Ok we can all go to the mal, but im setting some rules." Louis said in all seriousness in his voice. "Yay! Wait what? Did u say rules?" I said. "Yes i did, so rule

#1=You must stay with us at all times.

#2=No talking to people unless there is someone rightnext to u.

#3=Niall is your boyfriend,Harry is ur brother and the rest of us are your


"Ok i get the rules can we please leave I've been using the same bra for like ever." I said. "Ok we just got to go and get changed" liam said.

1 hour later:

I was sitting on the couch watching Everyone play on their phones except for Zayn cause he was still getting ready. "How long does it take to get dressed?" I said while huffing a piece of hair out of my face. "Finished" Zayn said when he walked into the living room. I would be lying if i said he didnt look good cause Zayn looked smoking fucking hot but i still hate him the most cause hes the one that killed my cousin and he still has not apologized to me. "So lets go shopping!" I said jumping off of the couch i was sitting on. We all exited the living room and walked out the door towards the car when we all got in I was sat in between Niall and Harry once again. When everyone was seated the car started to move and that was also when Niall wrapped his arm around my waist and in the corner of my eye i saw Harry clench his jaw. That was also when he put his hand on my knee i tried shaking his hand off but he just moved his hand lower.

And that was when i thought thatthis was gonna be a long car ride.

At the Mall:

When we reached the mall we allgot out of the car and the mall was of course enormous. When we walked into the mall all the boys crowded me into a circle. We went up an escalader the first shop we went into was Charmimg Charlies i loved this store because it had alot of cute jewelry.

When i was finished looking around i called for Niall. He came very quickly. "Im finished lookimg around, i found some cute stuff but i dont have any money so should i put them away?"i asked him. "Of course not! Your my girlfriend so i will bye u anything that u wish." He said giving me the butterflies. So we walked towards the register where stood this extremely pretty wait no that would be an understatement she was beautiful she had long blonde hair had perfect cheek bones and pretty blue eyes. She was flirti g with Niall the whole time right in front of my face butNiall just ignored her. We walked out of the store just to head into another store but i reconized this store it was filled with panties and bras. "Niall where are all the other boys?"i asked once i realized that it was onlyme and Niall. "They didn't want to come in."he answered.

"I bet your loving this boyfriend girlfriend thing" i said while laughing to myself. "Sure am" he said snaking his arm around mywaist once again but i didnt try to remove it be cause it makes me feel kinda safe u know? I was walking until i bumped something i looked and saw a girl that looked like she was the same age as me. "I am so sorry!" I said to the girl inffront of me. "Haha its ok. Oh im Elena by the way." She said sticking her hand out for me to shake it. I gladly shook her hand "Im Karissa." I said smiling. "Nice to meet you." She said. "U to"i said back. We talked for about 30 minutes until she left. Before she left she gave me her number.

I called Niall once i picked a few pairs of undergarments. He payed and i said thank you. We all exited the mall and got into the car. Thanks guys for takimg me shopping i reallydo appreciate it."I said with a smile. "Your welcome"they all said in unison. "Can we go to Walmart i need to get some persanol things"i aked. "Sure." Liam said.

We entered Walmart and i went straight to the mother nature isle then i went to the make up area then at last i went to the mouth wash and toothbrush isle. With ofcourse Nialls arm aroumd my waist the whole time. He payed i said thanks and we got back into the car. I was exhausted i fell asleep on Nialls shoulder to afraid to sleep on his lap again.

"WAKE UP WE'RE HOME!!!!" I was awaken by someone screaming i look up to see Louis screaming. I picked something up frome my bags and threw at Louis. "Ewww u just threw a pack of pads in my face!" He said while fake crying. "Grow some balls Louis!" I said while laughing. "I already have a pair u wanna see?" He said unbuttoning his pants "ahhhhh no!!" U screamed. Lets go inside Liam said. "Kk" i said we entered the house and i went straight to my room. When i finally reached my room i dropped my things on the ground and flopped on my bed slipping into a deep sleep.

Hey i decided to give u anotther stall chapter the next one is gonna be a surprise! I hope u guys had an awesome Halloween. I love u all bye

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