Go Go Ramen

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Ebizo rolled his eyes as Suzue sent the fifth message since they set out in Chieko's car. She was making sure that the group had enough food with them for the drive over. They had all agreed to get some ramen when they got there, so why was she so worried? They were going to eat up their appetites before they got there.

"We're close to the car park now," Aurora pointed to a nearby sign. "We can park up here, and it's close the stadium. Good job for getting us here."

"I told you I could drive!" Chieko chuckled. "Sure, we had some close calls... and we had to stop so I could get rid of my cramp... buuuut-"

"I'm tired already," Koichi complained, "I hope the ramen will wake us up. Maybe I'll have a soda with it..."

"Just remember that we have a budget," Akoto reminded the group, "Like... barely any. I'll have to restrict myself to one bowl... urgh..."

Chieko pulled up at the car park and jumped out. "Okay! Ramen time! Aurora, our beautiful navigator, show us to the greatest ramen place... within a reasonable distance!"

Aurora nodded and looked at the navigation app on her phone. "Mm... this one looks within our price zone.. alright. Follow me, guys! Delicious ramen this way!"

Ebizo couldn't help but to grin. He couldn't remember a time that he did something as crazy as this. Maybe he just didn't get out much. The ramen shop - which Aurora had told him was called 'Go Go Ramen' - was just a little walk away. The streets of Kyoto were more crowded than he was used to, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was the delicious ramen.

Koichi saw the shop and jumped up and down excitedly. "It's here! Go Go Ramen! Come on, we need to get a big enough table for all of us!" He cried.

Akoto giggled and entered Go Go Ramen. They were directed to a table near the window. "Mm... I dunno what to get! There's so much to choose from!" 

"Yeah, you're right," Ebizo agreed, "Aurora... you seem to know more about this place than we do. Why don't you pick my order?"

"Oh, um... I don't know," Aurora glanced over the menu. "Are you really trusting me with this? What if I order wrong?"

"This place has, like, amazing ramen. There's no way you can order wrong!" Chieko claimed, "Come on, Aurora. Why don't you order for all of us?"

"All of you?" Aurora squeaked, "I... I... alright. I'll try to order for everyone. This really is a big test...but all I know is that Chieko and Akoto should get a big portion. You guys eat way too much."

"I just have a big stomach!" Akoto argued, "Which is why I can eat so much!"

Ebizo smiled to himself and watched as Aurora ordered for everyone. His stomach was already rumbling from the smell of ramen that had infected the shop. When he saw their dishes being taken out, he was practically jumping out of his chair.

"I hope you like the food, everybody!" Aurora grinned. "I think I chose the correct portions for everyone... Akoto and Chieko, you've got the bottomless bowl. It's said the bowl never ends... which is why the bowl is a lot bigger."

The group jumped into their ramen, savouring every bite. Ebizo hoped that his bowl would never end - although, his stomach insisted otherwise. Akoto was still eating by the time they were done, and even started eating everyone's leftovers. 

"How can you even eat that much, Akoto?" Koichi tilted his head. "Your stomach has to fill up at some point..."

"Na, I'm never full. It's great!" She chuckled. "Oh, but we can start walking to the concert after this. How long until the doors open?"

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