Temperance Arcana

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The group stepped out of the portal to find themselves back inside the school. They didn't know how much time had passed, but it was still daylight. They stepped outside the classroom to find the hallways dead. Maybe it was getting late.

"We should get out of here," Ebizo instructed the others, "Before the janitor locks up..."

He heard footsteps running down an adjacent hallway. Ebizo turned to see his father, Taijo, running towards him. His face was deathly pale.

"Ebizo!" He cried, scooping Ebizo up into a hug. "I-I... I thought we lost you! You didn't come home, so we thought you were... where were you?!"

"H-Huh?" Ebizo frowned, embarrassed by the sudden affection. "Dad, what are you talking about? We were here the entire time..."

"Impossible. We searched the entire building when it came back," Taijo said, "This entire place was cordoned off. It still is."

"What?" Aurora gasped, turning towards a nearby window. "Oh... Oh! He's right, Ebizo! This place is surrounded in police tape...!"

"When the building came back, we had witnesses saying that you saved them from being attacked," Taijo explained, "But we couldn't find you... I searched and searched... I haven't even been to sleep yet."

"Wait," Hayasaki looked at the ground nervously. "Mr. Detective, how long has it been since the building came back...?"

"It came back around... late evening?" Taijo recalled, "We had sectioned the place off, so we were surprised when it suddenly came back... everyone was accounted for apart from you lot. It's been back for around twelve hours now."

"It's the next day?!" Chieko's eyes widened. "Oh, no! I'm missing my favourite TV show! We have to get out of here!"

"I think it's best for you all to go home, yes," Taijo agreed, "Your parents are all worried about you... I can ask Ebizo questions later. I think I need to sleep myself..."

There was a flash of excitement as the group emerged from the school. A group of reporters were outside the school, eager to interview them. Taijo led Ebizo to his car, away from the reporters, and began to drive him home in silence. He had dark circles under his eyes. Ebizo wondered how long he had been up for.

When Ebizo stepped into his home, Suzue came rushing up to him. She hugged him tightly and refused to let go. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"I thought we had lost you-!" Suzue sobbed, still hugging Ebizo. "I'm so glad your father found you... where were you, sweetie?"

"I was in the school," Ebizo mumbled, "I'm sorry I worried you..."

"We must've missed him in the sweep," Taijo forced a smile. "I said I'd bring him home, didn't I?"

Suzue stopped hugging Ebizo and turned her attention towards Taijo. "I know! But I also know that you haven't slept... off to bed with you! I don't care if they're understaffed, you need your beauty sleep!"

For once, Taijo didn't complain. He gave Ebizo a pat on the head and headed upstairs. He must've been really tired to not argue back, Ebizo thought.

"You were on the news, you know," Suzue said as she handed Ebizo her phone. "The whole event was! It sounds crazy...!"

Ebizo frowned and pressed the 'play' button. The shadow incidents were beginning to make the national news. This was bad.

'If you're just joining us, our reporters are at Jansaai, a small town, where a school has literally disappeared! Recently, we've witnessed the school appear back to where it should be, shown in this video. Still unaccounted for are these students pictured. Witnesses say that they were teleported to a prison, where prison guards held them hostage...'

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