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— "Thank you my love, for gracing my life with your lovely presence; for adding the sweet measure of your soul to my existence

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— "Thank you my love, for gracing my life with your lovely presence; for adding the sweet measure of your soul to my existence."

Richard Matheson
( Dior's POV )

I EYED KAIDEN AS he ran around the house frantically trying to find his car keys. Me and Kaila's birthday was in a few days and he said he needed to go to the store for something. I don't believe that shit one but because for one don't nobody run around the house like that looking for they keys to go to no fucking store, he was probably trying to see some nigga but, at this point I don't give a fuck what does. All I know is he bet not say shit to my father when he gets home if he walking around the house MY FATHER paid for cheating and shit acting like everything is okay.

I rolled my eyes as Kaila began to yell at me about how I was no help, she ranted on about how I was useless for most things stopping every once in a while to ask Kaiden why he didn't consider adoption for me. blah blah blah I don't give a fuck about what this girl is talking about right now, I'm about to take my ass upstairs and go to sleep if they knew I wasn't gone help then what did they call me downstairs for? Shit doesn't make any sense not that I'm trying to make any sense of it. Kaila threw a couch pillow at me and crossed her arms. "Get your ass up and help us! I didn't call you down here so you sit and do nothing Dior." She glanced over at Kaiden who was yanking at his hair, bro who gets this stressed over some fucking keys it's never that serious he acting like somebody robbed him of he keys or something.

"Fuck the both of y'all." I said simply pulling out my phone and laying my head back on the couch, I was tired from school earlier and I had enough bullshit from Kaila's bitch ass friend Sophie while I was there with her weird ass she's always talking about how I need to watch my mouth and watch how I treat people because one day it's going come back to haunt me. Her white preppy ass don't know shit about what I go through on a daily basis, people always in my face touching me left and right asking me a million questions and shit. I'm glad Ms Leia's fine ass was there to stop Sophie's lecture because her ass kept following me around even after I walked away and I was about to swing on her ass.

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