The Year 2013

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January 1, 2013

I mean school use to be the place I called my "escape" where I could just have fun without the pressure of making my family happy. I used to love school but now? I don't even know what it is to me. I rather be home now. It's as if my home life has gone to school and my carefree self can only be expressed at home. I guess it's good cause it's with family right? I don't know. Only the people I know in school can understand what it's like this generation. This generation is not the same as the previous. The last generation was when kids only had to worry about school. And school never put that much pressure on their students as they do now. After school the kids didn't need to worry about "crazy people" and have to lock themselves inside their house. The kids could play til dark then do their homework by candlelight. Life seemed so much simpler back then.. Now? I don't even know what life is anymore... 2013 please be good to me because it's only the first page in this chapter and I don't even know what to do..

I click the post button a take a deep breath then exhale really slowly. My life in 2012 was interesting. I lost a lot of friends, learned who my real friends are, and made new friends. I scroll through my Tumblr and reblog more stuff. I love Tumblr. I'm really happy I made an account. I probably would have killed someone if I hadn't. Well it's New Years Day and as usual I'm sitting at home with my family. We're watching movies together and it just a normal day. Everyone it posting pictures on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram about their New Year Eve night. I wonder what's it like to be able to party without a care and have no worries. Or what's it even like to party? It sucks to know that school starts again tomorrow and I have to return to that prison. I have never hated school. I've always been the one to love school. One of the happiest, well the happiest you can be to wake up six in the morning, and go to school. The only problems I had was that if I finished my homework or not. I miss those days. But now it's a new year. Like I said 2012 was probably the most eventful year I've been through; and either way I wouldn't want to change much. I've learned so so much. Anyways last day of winter break and what am I doing? Homework. Just because we're in the "Medical Science Academy" doesn't mean we have no lives and we revolve our lives around school. No. We just work harder than most and that still doesn't mean you an push us so far an give us so much pressure that you make some of us cheat and want to shoot ourselves. Then after giving us the workload you have the audacity to say that you are going to spend your winter break relaxing and to not email you? Ugh.. Life's great isn't it? I'm probably going to have to return to school dead because I don't have any sleep but what's new? Damn. Now I'm ranting to myself again.

I go on twitter and see everyone complain about going back to the prison that's called High School and I can't agree any more. I guess it's back to work then sleep. Haha. Sleep. What's that?


Hello my lovelies,

As you can see this is my new idea. :/ it seemed way better when I first started writing it out. Hmm maybe writing isn't my calling. I mean it never was:/ oh well. It's a stress reliever and that's all it counts for right? Right? No... Oh well. But yeah. I should be able to upload everyday. I'm going to try really really hard to. If not then every other day? Fingers crossed.

So I guess it's kind of me ranting and stuff. And my life. So I guess an autobiography? But it's my day to day life with a spin I guess you could say. I'll add some stuff so it's not über boring. Not that it already isn't..


Happy New Year my lovelies!! Hope we all have a great start off to 2013 and let's hope 2013 will be good to us all!!

The Year 2013Where stories live. Discover now