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This past week has been different than the rest I guess... I had gotten sick and was out of school for the first time in about two years and the last time I was out from school it was for a funeral..

The week was full of putting off make up work and just being plain lazy. I ended the week with going to a wedding and today Sunday January 20, 2013 I'm spending my three day weekend in New York. I look around and see all the beautiful lights and of course me being myself overthink things and notice how every little light all comes together to make something beautiful then in the middle of nowhere is the factories polluting our world. that one outcast that no one likes and causes the problems. Yup that factory is me. If there were no factories the world world be so beautiful. The polar bears wouldn't be suffering in the artics. It's all that one factory's fault. I fall asleep with only that thought in mind.. How the world would be without me...

The Year 2013Where stories live. Discover now