One Year Down, Three to Go

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Tuesday June 11,2013

It's the last full week of school. Every has gotten their yearbook and teachers are wrapping up teaching us for the upcoming exams. For once everything seems to be going well.

Yearbook signing, and basically most of the stress is practically over. Yes! Even better because I was asked to help with tech for graduation! The one event I was looking forward to be asked to help with. Can the end of the year get any better? Well as best as school can be?




Sunday June 16,2013

Here I am. The night before the last full day of school and what am I doing? Pages and pages of homework of course. It's already one in the morning (so I guess that means its Monday but as they say, "I don't care how late it is, it's not the next day until I wake up.") and I have so much left.

-Two and a half hours later-

Finally. It's 3:30 am and I'm finally done!!!

But of course I'm not tired so might as well do a workout.

-One hour later-

A workout done and still not tired but since I have a long day ahead of me might as well try.

-Two hours later-

"Wake up, wake upppp! You're late! It's already 7:00!!"

Ugh I roll out of my bed onto the floor and literally crawl out of my room. I look at the time to see I have about 10 minutes to change, eat, look human, and run to the bus. Great.

Well at least I have swimming first so I can skip everything put on my swimsuit a skirt and top. Not so hard I guess. Within 3-4 minutes I was downstairs grabbing my lunch and ran out of the door breakfast in hand just as I see the bus comig around the corner.

When I got to school I went to the pool area only to be told by the lifeguard my gym teacher wasn't here today and we weren't swimming. So now I look like crap with a nest I called my hair.

I ran into the locker room to go put some makeup on and wet my hair and come it through. I threw in a bandana do it sort of kept my hair down.

The rest of the day just dragged on torturously.

Tuesday, June 18,2013

Yes today was graduation rehearsals so I get to get out of my damn classes and away from my annoying classmates! It was the first day of exams but I got lucky that I didn't have any exams for the day. I got the chance to watch rehearsals all day!

When I got down to where the seniors were I found the rest of the people with tech so I hung out where they were until I got instructions. Little did I know I had a lot of walking and carrying heavy things around for the day. See if you know me, well let's just say I'm not exactly physically active nor a weightlifter. Either way even if it hurt I didn't mind because I love being able to be around tech stuff since its the only time I have to myself really.

As I was awaiting for the actual work I see him. I'm a bit upset that he's already graduating but I'm thankful I got to meet him. Before you say anything no I didn't really like like him but he was adorable. He's one of those guys who's like a big teddy bear and a kid at heart. I just wish I got a chance to become a least more than acquaintances.

We went outside to set things up and the seniors got up to lining up and taking a picture. After that, that was pretty much the end of the day.

The next two days went pretty much the same way. The only difference was that I had to run back and forth in and out of the building to go take whatever exam I had and back out for rehearsal. I skipped my lunches and finished testing as fast as I could. I went home tired and took naps. Thankfully the only homework was studying so my nights were pretty laid back except for the fact that I was taking an online course so not really.

Finally the last bell rang I was already in the building since I was let in early so I sat in my history classroom talking to my favorite freshman teacher while he signed my yearbook. Not many people were really upset but I could see they weren't really happy that they wouldn't be seeing their friends for awhile. I on the other hand couldn't care less knowing I was coming back at night for the real graduation anyways.

I got out of the car in front of the school's football field with a paranoia that I had forgotten something. Just as I was sitting down and greet the people of tech I realized I had forgotten to put on eyeliner. The one thing I never leave the house with. I sighed and just put my sunglasses on knowing with the bright sun shining in our faces I will have a circle tan line around my eyes.

The night went smoothly and I just sat there waiting for his name to be called. Finally I head his name and heard screaming and shouting. Of course he was one of those "popular" kids. But he was different because he actually had a heart and wasn't a spoiled brat. Many of the others were or at least that's how they would usually act.

After I just zoned out. Half listening to the conversations the true techies were having. The sun finally went down and the last couple rows of students were finally graduating. We started cleaning up putting the cords away so no one would trip. Finally it was over and the seniors moved their tassels to the other side and tossed their caps in the air.

We were cleaning up when I turned to see him smiling. His tan skin contrasting to his white teeth and black gown. He looked so cute. He came up and stepped aside knowing I wouldn't be acknowledged at all but wincing a bit to really see him just walk without as much as a look. He went to talk to the others. I sighed even if I was expecting it, I thought it'd be polite to actually show you knew I was standing there. I knew better than to keep my hopes up anyways. My night ended with us turning off the lights to the theatre for the last time and me walking out of the high school for the last time as a freshie. As usual I waited by myself in the dark with the only lights coming from the inside the building. Finally my mom got to the school I got in and watched the few people left enter the building.

With that I went home ate and ended my night doing my online class and finally sleeping at midnight.

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