Week 1 (part 2)

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"Having a hard time going to sleep?" asked a man with a melodious kind of valley girl accent accent asked.
"Yes, I just have a lot on my mind,"
"Would you like to share it? I can lend you an ear,"
"I'm not sure though thank you. What is your name?"
"I'm Paul, my cellmate and husband is Jean,"
"They allow you to be roomed with your love? That's really nice. Where did you meet? Where did you get married?"
"They allowed you to do that? What was it like?"
"To put it nicely, it was a mixed bag,"
"More like a rollercoaster in a hellish shit-storm,"
"Jean watch your language in front of this child,"
"I'm 12. I'm basically a teen,"
"12/13 you're still young,"
"I have a question for you, what are you in for?" Jean huffed "Twirps usually usually go to juvie not the big house,"
"Yes you must have been naughty,"
"Shut up Fatty,"
"Would you like to know how naughty I can be?"
AJ reach towards passed the bars towards the pervert's crotch shortly after the creep unzipped his jumpsuit. Very soon he was wrying loudly his already high pitched voice becoming several active higher before passing out.
"Hm, I should have expected a guy who sound like a voice cracked mickey mouse would have cojones the size of peas," AJ, said flicking away his testicles, "I guessed he'll be sounding like a crying insect from now on,"
"You're Alice's kid alright,"
"Well it's not the first nut in had to bust to get my point around," AJ said grabbing a bar of soap to wash hands in the sink, "That is actually how I got the Alice's attention after my last cellmate tried to be handsy with me. Man, I didn't expect the cell door to fly the way they did. Neither my former roomie who I don't think would be anyone's roomie. I found I was lucky to escape with a gash. She seemed little surprised when she got a look at me. I told her my name which she found sound stupid and told me she'll rename me. We went to a laboratory where the doc was pretty quick to grab me to try to make me as his new test subject. She bashed his arm, gave him the corpse and carried me to see Jared. He brought up my file an she recognized a pic of my mom. I guess they hooked up before her self-discovery. Anyway we went to the doc again, much the my charigin. Took some samples from my open wound. Sheesh their technology is quick around here. The results came back bringing up her profile. They did one more taking a few more samples from other parts of my body. The doc explained about my physical and genetic makeup more than any check ups I ever had combined. In her words, I'm 'part nerd, part, skank, part [her]' making me hers. She then managed to pull some strings for me."

"She can pull a lot of strings around here since she can tug the Warden's heart strings."

"She's dating him?"

"I'm not sweetheart, that's against work regulation. Now go to sleep, it's passed your bedtime," Alice said through a baby monitor.

"Okay, goodnight."

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