Part 79 - Mourning

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Some things in life can't be fixed, they can only be carried

-Megan Devine

-Megan Devine

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"APPA, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Kyunghee screamed at the top of her lungs but Mr. Do stood still in his spot. 

"Appa, come back here. Please," Kyunghee begged, standing at one corner of the hospital's terrace. 

"Don't come near me. I will jump if you come any close," Mr. Do admonished, panting and sweating profusely. He wasn't even sure what he was doing but all the day's events turned out to be a hot knife plunging into his heart.

He was a pathetic father and remorse rose against his veins, hitting every emotion in his soul, harder than ever before. He knew he was wrong but it was etching him to face the truth. It was etching him ever since he was confronted. 

He put barricades in many aspects of his daughter's life but didn't know they would be the reason to ruin her life, his humanity, and their bond. Tears welled up his eyes like the dam brimmed with water, remembering the time he held his daughter for the first time in his hands.

The tender hands that made him cry for the whole day and the protectiveness that made him promise to stay all that day, cradling her to sleep. Her existence painted dreams in his life, motivated him to work harder so that he could make their tiny world happier than ever.

Everything was gone to rack and ruins as time passed by and he regrets everything now. He regrets treating her like a stranger when there was still a part of him that yearned to adore and caress his little daughter tenderly. 

But nothing could be done now. Time could neither be reversed nor could the past be changed. Even repenting actions had a price and he could no longer afford it. He went beyond his limit and was the reason for his grandchild's death, knowingly or unknowingly.

Even taking a breath felt suffocating. He wasn't able to convince himself and reason his actions. Whatever he concludes, it would still be vain since he can't bring back his grandchild to life. From the despair and agony in Jungkook's eyes and the cries of his daughter while in the car, he knew how dear the child must have been to them, how excited they were till this day for their child to enter the world, how they were so ready to begin a new chapter in their life until he burnt all their hopes into ashes.

"Appa, please," Kyunghee pleaded and Taehyung appeared on the terrace. Mr. Do raised his hand and shook his head, warning them not to get near him. Analyzing the situation, Taehyung understood what was happening and started scurrying steps towards the elderly.

"DON'T," Mr. Do yelled and took a step behind, almost nearing the corner. Taehyung quickly stopped, afraid if the elderly being would make a wrong decision in haste.

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