Chapter 1: Speechless

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Chapter 1: Speechless

Note: I changed the main character from Leighton Meester to Elizabeth Olsen as Alessandra Lindvall

       The early sun warmed my back and I pulled the blanket around me. After I had my quick snack I ran into Klaus Mikaelson. I knew who he was of course. When Elijah and I were still together he had told me about his manipulative brother. Now that manipulative brother of his was wrapping his arm around me. I blinked my eyes open to find Klaus' grey ones staring right at me.

        "Hungry?" he was suddenly across the room putting a shirt on. I nodded and got up too, did the same, quickly dressing myself for the day. I wanted so badly to ask where Elijah was because he was the primary reason as to why I was here in the first place. Secondary, I heard a rumor about Klaus having a baby. I didn't dare ask Klaus now. I'll have to find Elijah myself.

        Klaus left and was back in a second with a glass of blood. I didn't know where he got it but I didn't ask. I grabbed it and gulped it down, licking my lips when I finished. Slowly, I set the glass down on his table.

       "Are you here for Elijah?" he asked. I looked at him, startled by his question.

       "No," I lied and cleared my throat.

        "You should know, he's in love now. Actually he's here," Klaus leaned on the doorframe watching my every move.

       "Elijah?" Klaus called him and I was about to leave but Klaus side stepped, blocking me. Elijah walked up the steps and stopped in the hallway when he saw me. I looked at him, speechless. He was as handsome compared to when I last saw him.         

        "Alessandra?" he frowned. Honestly, it hurt that he wasn't glad to see me.

        "Elijah," I nodded.

       "What are you doing here?" he was still frozen in place. Because I wanted to see you. I wanted to see how you are. I wanted to say those words but I couldn't, instead I shrugged.

         Then another girl's voice called for Elijah's name. She emerged from the corner and squinted when she looked at the situation.

        "Hayley, meet Alessandra," Klaus broke the silence and I didn't meet her gaze. "Klaus, can I talk to you?" Hayley asked urgently. "Well of course," Klaus swiftly walked out of the room and left Elijah and I alone. Something I had wished for moments ago but now it seemed unreal and I wanted to avoid it, pretended these few minutes didn't happen.

        "You were alive all this time?" Elijah asked slowly.

         "I..." I didn't know how to respond. Elijah's in love. I shook my head.

         "Why didn't you find me earlier, why now?" he barraged me with questions.

        "Because I was never able to catch up to you, you and Klaus always kept moving and I just..." tears began forming in my eyes. Elijah's in love. It was all I could think about.

        "Alessandra maybe..." "I have to go," I took my coat that was hanging from a nearby chair and walked out, pushed passed Elijah. Before I was able to get five feet away, he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. His jaw was clenched and I felt the blood drain from my face. He was utterly perfect.

        "Where are you going?" his voice trying to soothe me. "Anywhere but here," my tears betrayed me and began to fall down my cheeks. Swiftly, Elijah let my arm go and wiped my tears away.

        "You don't have to go, stay in New Orleans," he smiled weakly. I wanted to stay and I wanted to tell Elijah I love him. But I know that he's in love. "I'm sorry," I whispered. Before he was able to respond, Klaus appeared behind me.

        "Elijah you're needed downstairs," he observed the situation. Elijah wiped the last tear off my face before looking into my eyes one last time. Then he left to attend his business leaving me with Klaus.

        "How did you know?" I asked, indication how he knew why I wanted to see Elijah and how he knew who I was. "You were talking in your sleep," he grabbed a bottle of wine and poured himself half a glass. That's embarrassing. "What did I say?" "You kept asking for Elijah," he pursed his lips. "You can stay if you'd like, I know it's disappointing finding out that the person you love is in love with someone else but last night was not too bad," he continued. "Plus, it seems as if you're in need of some company." I wanted to decline his offer, but it was a great one. I bit my lip, thinking hard and drawing blood. I sighed. "Alright, I'll stay," I murmured. "It'll be like 1905 all over again," he smirked.

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