Forbidden Death (1)

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The video above is not mine. It's your choice to watch it and for any of those who haven't watched the anime yet.



-Ash Lynx-

The memories we had made for each other. They're becoming blurry each and every second.

It seems that I can't hold onto it. I can't hold onto you.

I just finished reading your letter, Eiji.

I feel so happy, yet sad.

I should've stayed longer in that hospital. I should've let them take me away.

At least a second of seeing you once again would be great.

But it is safer for you to leave.

I chuckled sadly. I had to kill someone even right before my death.

I'm going to hell aren't I...

Tears flowed down my face.

Even after death, fate won't let us see each other once again.

A nice guy like you will never land in hell.

I feel so...tired and sleepy.

I let my head fall on my arm and accepted the fact that I was slowly dying.

I was ready to have this eternal nap.

"Sayonara, Eiji-kun.."


-Eiji Okumura-

Ash, I miss you already. But I understand you.

You think that this is for the better. For the both of us.

I looked outside the window.

What a beautiful view of the ocean.

I hope you're doing well, Ash.

I'll see you again, once the time is right.

"Ibesan, what are we gonna tell my parents when we come back home?"

I asked, feeling guilty for getting shot.

But I have no regrets. I protected Ash.

"I'm sure they're worried about you but you don't have to think about it. I'll talk to them."

I sighed. Even though a lot has happened during our stay in America. I never once regretted coming here.

I met so many people, even made friends with some of them. But I met you too, Ash.

"You should sleep, we still have 7 hours before we arrive to Japan."

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the man beside me. I nodded and tried to sleep.

Well, in just a few seconds, I really did fall asleep. I didn't know I was that tired.


-Ash Lynx-

I slowly opened my eyes. They feel so heavy..

I sat up and covered my face with my hand.

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