Farewells (2)

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-Ash Lynx-

"So...when are you going to tell the guys?" Sing said, not really knowing what else to say.

"I'll tell them as soon as we get back. The sooner the better." I said while I was deep in my thoughts.

I honestly still can't believe that I'm planning to do this. 

He just hummed and walked beside me. The night was silent and peaceful. 

I sighed while gripping on something in my pants. I pulled my gun out and put it in front of Sing. 

Out of instincts, Sing pulled out his weapon. The Flying Dragon Fang. 


My eyes widen in surprise and my body immediately responded. I jumped out of his way, dodging his deadly ass weapon. 

"What were you trying to do, Ash?" Sing asked with cold sweat. 

I chuckled and stood up from the ground. 

"I see you don't trust me completely yet, yes?" I sighed.

I walked closer to him, slowly. He felt intimidated at each step I make towards him.

"I just wanted to get rid of this.." I said while looking at the gun I'm holding. 

I sighed once again and threw the gun on the ground, in front of him.

"Why now?" He said as he slowly bend down to reach for the gun.

"I told you, I needed a change. That would prevent me to do so."

We started walking once again and felt my hands itchy at the absence of my gun.

"You can't defend yourself if anyone tries to attack you. Are you really fine with this?"

He said while looking at the gun he has received.

"Yes, I am. I'll move to somewhere far away from here. From all the enemies I had."

I said, bringing back my expressionless face. 

He laughed. "There's actually a place where there's no one who wants to kill you?"

I laughed sarcastically, but I didn't show any sign of amusement.

He looked at me bewildered and I just thought of the time where I taught Eiji how to aim with a gun. 

"Hmm, I wonder what happened to that old man." 

Sing once again looked at me but stayed silent. I glanced at him and noticed his bewildered look.

"I plan to go to Cape Cod, my hometown." He hummed and nodded, not saying anything else.


"Boss!" Alex came running towards us. "What?" I said, feeling tired. 

"We were worried. We thought you started bleeding somewhere, you could've died." 

I chuckled. Oh Alex.

"I got stabbed once and you're already underestimating me? What about the times I got shot more than twice? You never underestimated me back then." 

His face flushed in embarrassment.

I smirked then walked pass by him and went inside the room. Everyone was gathered in here, they must've been mourning for my death already. I laughed mentally.

"Everyone." I said with a normal tone but they gave their full attention to me. 

"I have an important announcement to say." 

I crossed my arms and glanced at Sing who was leaning on the door frame. 

"I'm leaving New York, and I won't be able to look out for all of you." 

I said with my usual intimidating voice. Their mouths opened in shock and confusion. 

"I'm basically quitting all of...this." I made sure to empathize the last word of my sentence.

Their leader who only knew how to kill was suddenly telling them that he was quitting and leaving.

"You must be thinking about how I'm being so selfish with this decision. But I know you will respect and support my decision." I looked at their faces who had a frown in it.

"You're right." I looked at the source of the voice and saw Alex. 

He gave me a smile and I felt relief flowing through my body. 

He would make a great leader. I just know it.


"You won't change your mind, will you?" Cain asked as he sat beside me. "I never change my mind."

He sighed and crossed his arms. "It's because of Eiji. Am I right?" I nodded, putting my arms to rest on my knees. 

"Yup, you know me well." I said with a sigh.

"That boy changed you a lot. Just a few months ago before Eiji came, you were someone who wouldn't hesitate to kill. But now, you're someone who's grateful to someone who tried to kill you." He chuckled.

I looked at him. Sing must've told him about what I said. I chuckled back. "Mhm. I guess you could say that he changed my life."

He hummed. There were a few seconds of silence but then Cain broke it once again. "You love him do you?" 

I looked at him, kind of confused about what he meant. I flushed. "Of course I do, do I look like someone who doesn't love him?" 

He laughed loudly. "You know what I meant by that, don't try to act stupid now, Ash." 

I looked at him as if he was a weird stranger. "This night was very long. I don't want to add what you're saying right now to it."

I stood up and slowly made my way back inside. I sensed that he was looking at me so I waved a hand.

I heard him chuckle one last time and that was it.

I made my way to my room and went to my bed. I sighed while thinking about what could've happened if Lao wasn't in my way. 

Will I be in Japan right now while laying down on a bed in the same room as Eiji. I blushed, embarrassed at my own thoughts. 

Realization hit me again, hard.

Eiji helped me to sleep comfortably each night. I haven't been waking up in the middle of the night ever since. Does he know..?

I looked up the ceiling and repeated what Cain said earlier. 

"You love him do you?"  

That sentence echoed in my mind and my heart suddenly started beating fast. 

"Argh. Of course I do!" I yelled at myself, not caring if it's already past 11 pm. 


You have an IQ of over 200 but you won't even recognize your feelings. Cain chuckled at the thought of the 18 year old man. "Baka."


-Eiji Okumura- 

I yawned then opened my eyes. I had to cover it sooner because of how bright the light is.

I looked around the room and realized that I was back home. On my bed.

Time went by pretty fast. It's like I was just celebrating halloween with Bones, Kong and Ash yesterday. 

I laughed when I remembered the expression Ash had on his face. A gang leader, getting chills just by the thought of pumpkins? 

I laughed harder. I then soon realize how I look like a crazy man right now, good thing nobody walked in on me.

My laughs faded at the thought of Ash, America, New York.., everyone. 

"Ah, I miss them so much." I smiled with closed eyes, trying not to let the tears fall.

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