dream with me (part 2)

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Moving away from her dark past, Lilli finds herself in the middle of nowhere. In attempt to make friends with her new neighbors, she ends up at a lonely cottage at the end of her road. There she meets Harry who has completely isolated himself from the world. This is the journey of two broken souls coming together to heal and help one another 

(Words: 6k)


A month had gone by since the first time she stepped into Harry's house and as she now laid under the night sky, looking up at the twinkling stars, she reflects on how lucky she is to have experienced the past month with Harry. Late nights under the stars, early mornings with warm muffins and hot cups of coffee and mid-day story telling. All the memories fill her to the brim with happiness that is so indescribable that she simply doesn't attempt to come up with words for it. All she knows is that her feelings for Harry have only grown stronger and her previous theory of mere attraction is now out of the picture. She knows that her feelings for Harry are here to stay, but he hasn't made any advances towards her since that first night and that in itself is what's causing her to keep things friendly. 

The soft ding of her phone pulls her from her thoughts and she reaches over to look at the message she received. 

She finds herself smiling at the simple text. It was normal for her to receive late night texts from him. The time on her phone let her know that it was nearing midnight and she couldn't help but shake her head and quickly reply. 

With that, she's climbing off of the blanket to roll it into a ball before she's jogging towards her front door. She pushes the door open and tosses the blanket to the floor before she slips on Harry's cardigan that she stole and some shoes. Since it was so late, she didn't make any attempts to change out of her sweat shorts and tank top. It was still summer, so that meant the nights were still brutally warm at times and the only comfort she found in these nights were the soft, cool breezes that kiss her cheeks and brush her hair from her face. 

She locks the door behind her when she steps from her cottage before she takes off running, letting her legs carry her down her driveway and to the main dirt road. Her breathing is already heavy and she knows that her lungs will ache soon, but her need to beat Harry is strong and that only pushes her to work through the burn. Dirt kicks up behind her, leaving behind a small cloud that you can barely see if you weren't looking for it due to it being so dark out. The moon shines on the path, lighting her way to Harry. 

She remembers the first time she met Harry halfway. It was dark just like this time, but she was scared. It was before she had grown comfortable to the nature around her. Her eyes constantly darted towards the tall grass and the lush trees around her and instantly started to imagine the worst. What if something killed her? What if she got attacked? What if the same happened to Harry? She was pleased to see Harry that night and found comfort in his presence. Wrapped in his tight hold and staying close to him allowed her to relax and make it back to his place without having a panic attack. 

Now, she didn't have much care. Sure, she was still cautious but she wasn't paranoid and found a way to enjoy the night around her. She can see the moon whenever she looks up and that's one of her favorite things about meeting Harry at night. It's like the moon is guiding her home- a place of happiness and warmth. It's something she thinks about a lot; Harry being her home. It's not even completely romantic either. It's the way that he brings life to her, the way that he reminds her just what life is worth living for. Even if they never become something romantic, Lilli believes that in some way Harry is her soulmate. She knows that he'll always be there for her and they will complete each other in ways that no one else can. 

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