suits of many colors- Rose

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Rose designed Harry's suits (that's all I'm gonna say)

--20 September 2017, LA--

Each suit had a meaning to me

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Each suit had a meaning to me. It was my art, my ability to share my feelings with the world. Harry was my canvas and my suits were my art. I wasn't sure how I ended up here, arms crossed as I watched his lean figure dance across the stage. "I'm having your baby," He leaned towards the crowd, fingers raking through his hair before he waved at the screaming fans. 'It's none of your-" He soon finished the song, bouncing from one end of the stage to another before he collected water in his mouth, leaned back and spit into the air creating a cloud of water that rained down on his heated skin.

It all felt like it happened in slow motion as he looked over at me, the lights dimming before enclosing us in complete darkness. My heart raced, drumming against my ribs as he ran off the stage and over to where me and the rest of the crew stood. Like always, we showered him in praises as our hands clapped together. "Amazing, Harry." Katie leaned against him, a smile on her red lips as she wrapped her arm around his. I trailed behind the two, blue eyes glancing around corridor we currently walked down. "You look so handsome in your suit." She complemented, earning a kind smile from Harry.

Harry was a kind soul, sharing his love with everyone and taking the time to meet every single new person he could. That was one of the best parts of working with Harry, getting to study the way he appreciated things and the way he treated people so kindly. It blew my mind every single time. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be working on my online shop and I'm beyond thankful he presented me with this great opportunity to create.

Harry and Katie turned to the right while I went to the left, eyes glancing for the room that had my name on it. While I had been here most of the day, the constant change made it hard to remember exactly where I was supposed to go. Upon finding the small room, I opened the door and left it open before packing my things up. There honestly wasn't too much, two suits and some sewing supplies. "Hey, Rose." Emily poked her head in, blonde hair framing her round face.

"Hey, Em!" I grinned, hanging the semi-done suits on the clothes rack. Three shows in and I had already made some wonderful friends. She stepped into the room, a muffin in her left hand as she extended it out towards me. A smile formed on my lips before taking it and thanking her. Her dark brown eyes glanced at the suits I just hung up, her jaw dropping at the Chicago suit. The green and purple colors glittered under the ceiling light as her fingers reached out to run her fingers over the fabric.

"You're really talented," I thanked her again, watching as she stepped back to look at the other suit that was hidden under the black bag it was closed in. She never asked to see it, but left with a polite goodbye instead. While I had new friends, they had yet to become my best friends and like the other two nights, I was alone. My fingers picked up the black bag, wrapping it around the suit for tomorrow night and zipping it up.

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