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"Something about you is just so addictive."

I followed Olly down the hall and up the ladder to the deck.

Caspian had called, he'd apparently put together some entertainment.

"Cap'n is excited to boost morale around the ship," Olly beamed as he took me up to Caspian.

"It's past sundown." I stated soon as I knew he could hear.

"I have just the thing to help everyone relive some tension."

I raised my brow, "And what would that be?"

Caspian had a grin plastered on his face, the joyful glint bouncing off his eye made my stomach flutter slightly.

"I asked around the ship the other day, and we have some musicians aboard that are happy to play for all of us as we drink all the ale our hearts could want."

...that's what humans find entertaining?

Elizabeth would tell us stories of human wars. Humans didn't take pleasure in a slow death, but they had quicker, messier, ways of killing each other.

But Elizabeth hadn't told us what humans do when they aren't fighting.

Sirens spent their time killing humans, and humans spent their time...drinking ale and shuffling around to music?

Olly was part of the makeshift band.

I sat on a barrel near the edge of the ship, politely declining all the ale I was offered.

I watched as the humans around me drunk themselves away, laughing, singing, dancing, and crying the night away.

It was a culture shock for me to watch happiness linger around them, all I was used to was temporary satisfaction.

Their mindless joy flowed through the air, it was infectious and I caught myself grinning, genuinely, and swaying to the jovial music.

I didn't leave my barrel, but instead decided to observe the dirty faces of the crew as they let loose.

More than once throughout the night I found myself searching for a particular captain, but each time I grounded myself and ignored the urge.

I was watching Olly chug a glass of ale when someone whispered in my ear, "Enjoying yourself?"

I startled before whipping my head to look at a clearly drunk crew member, "I'm Joshua, and your the little fish Captain caught."

I eyed the muscular man, "Pleasure."

"You know," He moved closer and placed his hand on my bare back, "I have a seperate cabin if you'd wanna go have some fun."

I repressed a laugh as I looked into his eyes, "Have you heard the stories about sirens?" I asked.

"Of course, everyone has," Joshua leaned close, "but I'm not scared of some tall tales, after all, you don't look scary to me."

Now I wanted to seriously look for Caspian. I was used to dealing with cocky pirates, but I'd usually drown them quickly. With Joshua, he was a member of Caspian's crew.

I wasn't scared of him. Romancing men was my life. "Okay," I learned in closely, "tell me a siren tale then."

His rancid breath filled my nose as he spoke, "They sing to innocent sailors before dragging them down to their death."

I raised my eyebrow, "And that doesn't make you scared?"

"Of course not," Joshua smirked, "they're just stories."

"Where's your captain?" I whispered.

"Oh don't worry doll face, you won't get in trouble. He's talking with his advisors by the wheel."

I broke eye contact to find Caspian's tall frame, his back was turned to us.

How much trouble would I get into if I drowned him?

I toyed with the idea longer than I'd admit, but I started to consider it when Joshua moved his hand into my bare thigh.

I stood quickly, "I'd love to, but I..." I searched the ship for a decent excuse, I couldn't find anything quick enough however, Joshua came up behind me and grabbed my upper arms.

"Come on doll face, you don't need to be scared of me."

I scoffed and rushed out of his arms. "I'm not scared, I'm just tired. I'm going to retire now." I walked quickly forward.

Joshua caught my wrist and spun me around, "Oh come on, consider it a favor." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I kneed him in the stomach, "No."

I walked in almost a run, but Joshua still caught me. "It'll be quick! I'll even be a gentleman and return you to your room after."

"I said no Joshua."

"Come on-"

"I believe," Said a familiar voice, "Astrid told you no."

Joshua dropped my arm when he looked over to see Caspian behind me.

I also turned to look at him. The jovial light from before was replaced by a cutting seriousness directed only at Joshua.

I walked up to Caspian, "Next time," I looked at Joshua, "he's going in the water."

Caspian nodded and let me go find Olly.


Olly knocked on the door, "May I come in?"

"Of course!" I sat up on my cot and adjusted my hair.

"The cap'in wishes for me to tell you that we will be docking later today."

"Docking for what?"

"Supplies mostly, we have just under a week 'til we arrive in the kingdom, of course cap'in doesn't want to detour, he wants to get home as soon as possible-"

"How long will we be docked?"

"A few hours, at most."

I nodded slowly. "I'm guessing I'm going to stay on the ship?"

Olly nodded in return, "But, you'll be 'appy to 'ear another miss will be boarding."

I hesitated, "Who?"

"A very wealthy girl, name starts with a C? I'm not 'xactly sure but cap'in is sure excited."

"Thank you Olly. Anything else?"

"Oh, yes miss. It's your time to swim 'round."

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