Chapter 23: Illness

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“Open your eyes Sunngifu!”

Why did they keep asking me that? Yet I obeyed and lifted my eyelids, enough to see who was talking. It was Mildred, and she looked beyond worried.

“Thank god you are awake! You had me frightened!”

I tried to raise a hand and felt something move around it. Water. I was in a tub filled with lukewarm water.

“How… did I get …here?” I croaked, the words barely audible through my dry lips.

“Einarr Godi carried you, you were burning with fever. What happened?”

“Hrefna, she… brought me urine… to drink. The bread…too hard. So cold…”

“That she-devil! But didn’t you have blankets?”

“Just two…old…too thin…”

“Poor dear! Here.”

She took a nearby jug and poured water in a bowl, holding it to my mouth while I gulped avidly. The cool liquid tasted like heaven on my parched tongue. She refilled it twice before I had enough.

“Time to get you clean.”

She worked the soap into lather and spread it with a cloth on my shoulders, my arms… I yelped when she reached my side and she paused to examine the sore spot.

“You are bruised and your rib is broken. Did she hit you?”

“Nay, Lord Einarr… dropped me. Then I fell…”

As if on cue, the door opened and he entered.

Mildred dropped the cloth and stood in front of the tub, fists on her hips.

“How is she faring?” he asked, concerned.

She glared at him, switching to Anglisc in her ire.

“How do you think she is faring? She was left to freeze with a mere two blankets and no fire, given piss to drink and the pig’s bread to eat! She is badly ill with a fever, her rib is broken, and whose fault is it? You are a judge, my Lord, so tell me: who failed her as her owner in the eyes of the law?”

Lord Einarr’s eyes widened and he paled. Their law specified that a master could do with his slaves as he pleased as long as he kept them fed, clothed and cared for their health. Although it may not apply to me, as I had committed a crime by attempting to run.

Still, he seemed shaken.

“I never ordered that…” he mumbled, before storming out.

I cringed as the door slammed. It had to be solidly built to be still in its hinges.

I heard him roar, and caught Hrefna’s name. I nearly pitied the girl.

Soon enough, there was a commotion and her high pitched voice, begging and sobbing, followed by two resounding slaps. That’s when Lady Disaelfr intervened.

They must have moved away from the hall for privacy as suddenly I could make out their words. Mildred placed a finger on her lips.

“Hush, they are just outside the room,” she warned me in a whisper.

“Pray, son, do not punish Hrefna too harshly. I made a mistake by letting her take care of that wicked girl. She requested it and I should have guessed her purpose. It is no secret that she is taken with you. She was angry to be replaced.”

“Replaced? What are you talking about, mother? Hrefna is a slave, she has no say in who I take to my bed. Her greed nearly killed Sunngifu and stained my honor. I swore to her father that I would take care of her. Should she die from neglect I would be an oath breaker. Do you wish me banned?”

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