Chapter 39: Freedom

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"I have missed you, my Lord." Finally, we were in his room, away from the crowd, and I stood as close to him as my bulging front would allow.

"So have I, little dreki, so have I." He swept me off my feet and lowered me carefully on the bed. He sat on the edge of it, gently stroking my cheeks. "You didn't seem surprised, about Hrefna? Did you hide something from me?" His tone was controlled, he wasn't angry. Yet.

"She never liked me. She tried to starve me when I was locked in the shiel. I guessed she was the most obvious culprit, but I had no proof."

"You could have told me..."

"Maybe. I was afraid you wouldn't believe me."

He sighed. "We will be married soon and you don't confide in me."

"You are wrong, I do. It is you who don't trust me, you have said so repeatedly. What if I told you that your mother threatened me?" I had a fair idea what his answer would be, and he didn't disappoint.

"My mother would never do this. This is not funny, Sunngifu."

"I never thought it was. Yet she did. She warned me of how easily I could fall off the cliffs, and how she would know because she pushed you wife before. Hrefna heard her." I looked away, certain of his reaction. Lady Disaelfr had always been loyal to him and had his best interest at heart. Her name was famed in this land and akin to a model of female honor and virtue. I was a slave, rebellious and poorly mannered. The choice was obvious.

I was taken aback by his laugh.

"My mother promised to strangle me, sell me to the traders or lock me in the pig stall so many times I lost count. She makes dramatic threats when she is angry, but seldom follows through. What did you tell her?"

Fidgeting, I stalled. "Nothing of importance..."

"Sunngifu..." He had turned serious. He wouldn't let it go.

"She was rude with me, she inquired about the bearn's health and didn't care about mine."

"My mother is the lady of this house. She doesn't have to be polite with slaves and you are still one, albeit not for long. What was your answer?"

"I said... that I would soon take her place..." My voice came out as a mere whisper. The words didn't sound so conceited at the time. I shrunk back in a pathetic attempt to escape punishment.

Lord Einarr shook his head. "What will I do with you Sunngifu? Will you be at war with my mother after we wed? I thought Magge would have a good influence on you. I thought you would have learned. But you haven't, and I'm beginning to wonder if you ever will..."

A lone tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I was tired, scared and I spoke out of turn. It won't happen again. Forgive me..." I curled on my side, away from him.

"Hush, don't cry little dreki..." Warm hands rubbed my back and kneaded my shoulders until the sobs stopped.

I was exhausted. He removed my shoes and socks, lifting me gently to push my dress over my head. I was asleep before he climbed in the bed.

I apologized to Lady Disaelfr the next day, after the Volür were gone. Lord Einarr asked it from me and it was half-hearted, as I still believed she had meant every word. I had tried to argue with her son about her role in his previous wife's death but he had dismissed my claim.

"You are not so familiar with our language, Sunngifu. You have made fast progress but you might have misunderstood. Or she might have said it to scare you. Two servants were with her that day, and they were adamant that my wife fell on her own. You have no cause for worry."

Maybe he was right, and I shouldn't be taking this seriously. Maybe Hrefna was terrified of getting unmasked by the witch. Yet doubt kept gnawing at me.

Over the following month Lady Disaelfr mollified a little. Wanting to prove myself to her son, I treated her with utter respect, asking for her opinion in all things. My tablet weaving skills were improving, and she once complimented me on my embroidery. With Hrefna gone, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. There was a new bounce in my otherwise heavy steps.

Then came the day I was granted my freedom.

Lord Einarr had issued orders, willing it to be a surprise. And so I walked into the packed hall unaware, wondering why they were staring at me. Having served her purpose, which was to delay me, Svana stepped away. I stood where she had left me, beside the hearth, my mind working frantically in search of what I had done wrong.

"Welcome, Sunngifu." He came to me, his wide smile soothing my concerns. "This feast is yours. Tonight you'll become a free woman and will be inducted into the law."

Stunned, I recognized the terms. Lady Disaelfr had described the ceremony to me. I tried to calm myself and remember my part in it. "Will you do me the honor of being my guest, my Lord?" I bowed and waved towards to the high seat.

"It will be my pleasure." He sat and I approached so that he could remove my collar. The absence of it felt strange after all these months, but pleasant nevertheless.

A sheep was brought in and I fastened the stiff iron circle around its neck. I was glad that my condition spared me the next part. The poor animal was dragged outside and killed. I should have been the one doing it. The servant returned with the severed head, offering it to Lord Einarr with my collar still attached. Lord Einarr retrieved it.

"Sunngifu the slave is dead. A freed woman stands in her place."

A jug of strong ale waited in front of me. I poured it in a glass horn and he raised it high. "May she be worthy of her status. Ves heill!"

He drank and presented the precious vessel to me. I wet my lips, hiding a grimace. I had tasted wine before; this was as strong, and bitter. I quickly gave it to Lady Disaelfr who passed it around.

Next came a lengthy speech, praising me and declaring me a member of his family. There was the flaw. I remained tied to him. A former thrall was never a full member of society.

I thanked him of course. It was still better than my previous situation.

I was given a seat and the banquet began, stretching late into the night. My role was to fill Lord Einarr's plate and replenish his bowl, serving him for the last time. It was somewhat ironic, considering I had never done that. Usually he was the one feeding me.

And then it was over. Lord Einarr rose and Svana joined us, a green bundle in hand.

"This is for you, Sunngifu. Your clothing is no more suitable."

She helped me remove my white dress and don the colored one. I blushed, glad that my winter smock was thick enough to protect my modesty.

"I made it myself," Svana proclaimed proudly, "but you might recognize the adornments..."

I examined the silk ribbon around the neckline and wrists, and smiled. It was my work.

"Thank you, Svana. It's beautiful."

Lord Einarr took my hand and kissed my fingers.

"It is indeed, although I prefer you naked." He winked. "Shall we?"

"I don't know, my Lord. Am I allowed to refuse, now that I am free?"

He frowned, trying to figure out whether I was joking. "You are. Will you?"

I stilled, mulling over the idea. I was tempted to deny him, simply because I could. But I had nothing to gain. Very soon, we would be married and I would be his again. Sleeping with him was an acquired taste, one I had grown to enjoy. Yet a bit of fun couldn't harm...

"Let me consider it. I was taught that the purpose of marital duties is the transmission of life. I am already with child and we are not married. Why should I share your bed?"

His mouth twitched and he whispered into my ear. What he said I cannot tell, for even in my old age it would make my face burn. I was suddenly so warm that I feared my body would combust.

He chuckled at my reaction. "So, shall we?"

"You are the devil," I weakly protested.

Laughing, he lifted me in his arms and carried me to the bedroom.

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