It's not me

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Taehyung's POV:

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Taehyung's POV:

I walk down the grand staircase to see my dad very disturbed.

His head hung low, with his hands folded behind his back, he doesn't even seem to notice me as his eyes are far off, wandering in the mist of grief.

Something seems off

Taehyung:  Dad

*Dad Namjoon doesn't respond.

Taehyung:  Dad, your panicking me.

Dad Namjoon:  We found them.

Taehyung:  Whom?

Dad Namjoon:  Them, (he continues after a long pause) who killed your mom.

At first I'm not able to process, but by the time I understand what he said, my body is shaking with rage, my eyes blinded with pain, my hands seeking revenge.

*Kim Taehyung is now a released beast, he turns the table down, smacks the television, kicks the priceless vase.*

Dad Namjoon: Son, I need you to calm down.

But his mind is far from listening.

Taehyung:  My mom, they killed my mom.

Dad Namjoon:  I know, they took away my only love too. We need justice for her death.

Taehyung: Just tell me their name.

Dad Namjoon:  We'll look up to this matter after your honeymoon.


I say stressing each word so that it pierces like a bullet.

Dad Namjoon:  The Scorpions gang leader Eric.

*He walks towards the wooden door frame like he is ready to slaughter everything on his way. His body screams kill-kill-kill, untill it's the only thing he knows.*

Dad Namjoon:  What about Y/n?

Taehyung:  You decide about her.

*With that he leaves. To end THE SCORPIONS.*


Y/n's POV

I walk to the living room to see chaos.

What the heck? Is it a burglar's work? Or...Or.... A Mafia war!!?

My heart pounds in the chest as if it wants to jump out of me and run for its life.

I'm milliseconds away from running up when I see Dad Namjoon.

He smiles at me like a loving father and it washes away all the anxiety.

Y/n:  Good morning, sir.

Dad Namjoon:  No dear, please call me Dad.

Y/n:  Ok.....ay.. Dad.

I say hesitantly, as that name's meaning carries fear in my heart.

Dad Namjoon:  How is your morning, y/n?

Y/n:  Ummm,

Should I say his son spanked me.

No, no.

Y/n:  It's going great, dad.

Dad Namjoon:  Y/n,

Y/n:  Yes,dad.

Dad Namjoon:  How did you and Taehyung meet?

*This question takes y/n off guard.*

Y/n:  Huh...we met at a friend's party.

Dad Namjoon:  Friends party is it....

Y/n:  Y-yes.

By the look on his face, I can say he is not convenienced enough. Before Dad could ask further questions Jimin and Jungkook enter the living hall.

Dad Namjoon:  There you are.

Jungkook: Yeah, here we are the world's most busiest men.

Dad Namjoon:  Yeah, yeah busy in hitting on girls.

Jimin: Uncle.....

*They laugh together.*

So this is what you call a family.

Jimin sits next to me on the couch suspiciously close with his right arm on the shoulder, he sits like he owns me.

While Jungkook sits on my left with a good amount of distance between us.

Jimin:  So what is that you wanted to tell us.

Dad Namjoon:  You know that I arranged a honeymoon trip for Taehyung and y/n.

Jungkook:  Yes, we informed them already.

Dad Namjoon:  I'm sorry y/n, the honeymoon is cancelled.

Jungkook:  WHAT! Why?

But jimin on the other hand looks relived.

Y/n:'s okay.

I don't know why...but I'm sad.

Dad Namjoon:  No it's not.

So now what, is he gonna come with me.

I soon cover my ears as if stopping my thoughts to escape out, But...bad move.

Jimin:  What happened y/n ? Are you okay?

Y/n:  Yeah I'm alright. Just a little sad over the news.

Dad Namjoon:  Hmmm, I have an idea.

*All the three look at Dad Namjoon as if he is going to start throwing biscuits at them.*

Dad Namjoon:  Why don't you three go to the honeymoon like a friendly trip?? I'll handel the gang.

Jimin:  That's wonderful.

Jungkook:  Abso-fucking-lutely yes.

Dad Namjoon:  Y/n you did not say anything?

Y/n:  I'm.... Okay with it.

I say faking a smile.

*Hey guys,

How are you all doing?

Hope you loved the chapter 😆, I'm so excited to post the next chapter.

stay tuned, Don't forget to vote and comment 👍🏼

Love ya all , 💜

Bye ✨*

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