Eternal Sleep

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Y/n's POV :

Its the next morning and I'm sitting on a hard plastic chair, surrounded by dog-eared magazines and lots of I'll people.

It brings back memories of my mother, the way me and taehyung met.

I hope mom is okay.

Last night, Kim namjoon, my father in law came to see his grandson. There was another women with him, she was beautiful and dominating, yet kind and caring.

Her name was, uh. . . Kim Moni.

"Hi y/n. Its me Hamsa. Oh my gosh your baby is so cute," Hamsa says taking taehyun in her arms.

"Your baby is so adorable," she said looking up at me but stops mid-sentence.

"Hey hon, what's wrong?" she enquires, occupying the empty seat beside me.

"Taehyung, my husband, is admitted in the ICU, he's still not shifted to the normal ward. I'm worried about him. I can't live without him," I blurt out everything, not hiding my feelings for him.

Its true, my life will be in-complete without him.

"That mafia guy everyone is taking about is your husband?" she asks with an raised eyebrow.

"Y-yes," I stammer.

"Sshhhh!" I hear a loud hiss and I glance accross the room to see a receptionist glaring in our direction through a potted fern. "Can't you read the sign? Maintain silence in the corridor."

"I'm also sorry. I couldn't stay with you during your pregnancy. I let my emotions take the best out of me," she said darkly, her head hung low.

I place a hand on her shoulder comforting her. "It's okay, I'm alright. Taehyung is all I'm concerned about right now." As I think about him a bolt of panic rips through me and I have to fight to steady my nerves.

Taehyun wines in Hamsa's arm as though seeking for my attention. This guy is already exhibiting his father's attitude.

"Mrs. Kim?" I look up sharply to see the receptionist staring at me with a sour expression. "The doctor is ready for you."

"Oh, right, thank you." I say getting on my feet.

"Unless you'd prefer to continue your conversation outside," I pass a apologetic smile at the receptionist and hurry towards the doctors consulting room.

"Hamsa can you take care of Taehyun, I'll be right back," I request, "No problem honey. You take your time," she says and I give her a grateful smile.

"Come in."

As I push open the door, I see Dr. Eric, Taehyung's surgeon, sitting in his black swivel chair behind a leather-topped desk.

A grave faced man with a white wispy comb-over and tortoiseshell glasses, he's jotting down something on his pad as I enter.

"Please sit down," he gestures, looking up with an avuncular smile. Which sort of freezes when he sees it's me. "Ah, Mrs. Kim and Mr. Jeon," he says evenly. Putting down his pen, he steeples his fingers.

Looks like everyone knows I'm Taehyung's wife.

Sitting down, I smile shakily. Sensing my nervousness, Jungkook laces his fingers with mine.

"Congratulations to you and your son," he says brightly, reaching to a note, which are lying on his desk in a large black folder. Opening it up, he beings flicking through.

"So how is my brother? Is he out of danger?" Jungkook asks pointedly, not able to contain it anymore.

"He's out of danger, for now," he says quickly. "For - now?" I ask after a long pause, tugging at an invisible thread of cotton on my sleeve.

"Your husband is in a coma," he says looking at us both.

"How come?" Jungkook snaps, his eyes as wide as mine.

"Due to lack of oxygen for too long, he's on life support but - according to new rules he can't stay on life support for more than a year,"

Ok, this is scaring the living daylights out of me. This cannot be real. This can't actually be happening.

When I finally forgive him and accept him in my life, he is leaving me. That too slowly, making sure I'll suffer for all my last sins.

"Ca-can I see him?" I ask through tears. "Please stay strong. Yes, you can see him," he says with a bright smile masking his pity for me.

My feet clattering against the corridor as I hurry towards the general wards, where Taehyung has been shifted.

I wasted no time to see him, my soul longed him like a barren land in need of water.

There I see him, sleeping on a white mattress, in the hospitals clothing, with a faint smile on his lips.

For a second I think he's just in a temporary sleep and will wake up, scold me for staying with Jungkook, demand to see his son.

But as I clutch his hands close to my heart and cry for hours, all I can hear is a constant beep sound.

❛ ━━∘☽ 𝟔 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 ☾∘━━ ❜

"Y/n you need to eat something," jungkook says, holding taehyun in his arm's.

"No," I refuse, wiping my tears only for them to fall again.

"Y/n this can't continue like this. You need to gather yourself at least for your son," he says now more serious than ever.

I glance at taehyun. This innocent baby dosen't deserve this, he's suffering for the mistakes of his parents.

"What's those noise outside?" I ask panicking, are those people back?

"It's just-" I dont let Jungkook finish and walk out to see what the commotion is all about.

It's none other than Hamsa and Jimin.

"What's happening here?" I said, crossing my arms on my chest, tapping my foot on the floor.

Jimin gives me a apologetic smile, while Hamsa is busy throwing death glares at Jimin.

Seeing his childish chivalry, made me loose my cool.

"For christ's sake you both are grown up. Instead of bickering everywhere you meet, just meet up somewhere and talk this out like adults. It's seriously embarrassing to see you both act so immature," I finish an entire speech in one breath and turn on my heel.

While Jimin and Hamsa stay gawking at me.

"That was one hell of a big speech," Jungkook says teasing me.

I finally smile, after what feels like years. But I don't want this year fo end.

I can't think what will happen if this year end without Taehyung waking up.


I'm sorry I couldn't update for long period, it's because I have an eye infection. I'm trying to update once a week.


Q/a :: How much does friendship matter to you ?

Me :: A lot.

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