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Third Person POV

She waits for her mother to wake up like a dried tree waiting for the sky to rain.

"Mom," she whispered taking her hand into hers which were swollen due to the numerous injection.

Slowly the women's eyes fultterrd open, her eyes squinted adjusting to the bright light.

"Mom, your awake. Wait, I'll call the doctors." She said through controled tears of joy.

The woman tried to speak but she still didn't have enough energy.

           *****Few days later******

Y/n's POV

Life feels like it's back in track with my mom beside me though the one who gave me this life is not beside me right now.

"Y/n! Taehyun is crying. What are you thinking about so deeply?" I throw a quick glance on Taehyun who's feeding bottle is empty.

"A sec, I quickly fill his bottle." I excuse myself to the kitchen carrying crying Taehyun.

"Y/n, you promised to answer my questions. You can't refure me now." I shighed giving in to my mom.

"What do you wanna know about?" I asked her with a straight face.

"Who's baby is this?" She asked with a cold tone.

"It's Kim Taehyung's." I replied giving my baby his bottle.

"Wait- you mean the mafia boss." She was beyond shocked.

"Why would you marry him?" She added looking at me in disbelief.

"I had no choice since I was sold to him. Atleast they treated me better than your alcoholic husband. And your cancer treatment was also successful because of my father-in-law." I didn't know I was shouting until I head my mom's whimper.

"I'm sorry I left you alone for so long. I can't belive that bastard could sell his child for money," I scooted close to her and pulled her in a hug.

"It's okay mom. I was happy with Taehyung." I say as I clench my jaw to stop the tears.

"What do you mean by was?" She asked, worry clouding her feature.

"He's no more. He went into a coma trying to save me. I was too hard on him mom. I can't forgive myself for this," I let go of all the emotions I have been feeling.

"It's okay, he would have forgiven you." She patts my head pressing a kiss on my forehead.

But I can never forgive myself.

"I just want him back," I sobbed sinking deeper into my mom's arms, before the darkness over took me.

*** NEXT DAY ***

"Y/n!" My mom shouts for me from the living room. "Yeah mom," I say running to see if she was alright.

"Someone is at the door for you," she says and walks to Taehyun's cradel.

I wipe my hand on my pants as I was doing the dishes. The soapy texture irritating my soft palm.

"Ohh, you here?" I'm surprised to see Jacob at the door. He was the guy in the hospital who helped me with the directions to the appartment.

"Yeah, you just left these things in my car." He said handing over me the heavy suitcase. Our hands brushed against eventhough it was unnecessary.

"Umm, thank you Jacob. You could have given it to my mom," I said.

"I just wanted to see you and ask..." He trailed off scratching the back off his neck.

"Ask?" I encouraged him, wanting to be done with him as soon as possible.

"Ask you out for a date?" "Hey I know, your a single mom with a sick mothe but-"


"Listen babe, it's just one date" He gets closer to me trapping me between his arms.

"Jacob step back," I tell alarmed by his sudden actions.

"Just accept kitten," he said making me nauseous. I didn't know I was taking help from a creep.

"NO! I will ne-" I was cut off mid sentence by authoritative voice.

"She said no, you heard it. Now let her go," I see Taehyung walking behind Jacob. He removes Jacob from me and gathers me in his arms.

"And who are you?" He asked. It's because he's an American, he didn't know who Taehyung was and what he was capable of.

But what he said suprised me.

"Her mother's son, her son's father and lastly her husband." He said in a monotonous voice but they were filled with so much love and meaning.

"But that bitch told me-" before he could finish his sentence he was met with a punch, blood spattered everywhere.

"Taehyung, you can't start a fight where ever you go," Dad Namjoon said disappointing.

"You haven't said a word," Taehyung asked looking deep into my eyes, his eyes holding so many emotions.

"I-" I couldn't form words.

Is this a dream? Someone wake me up, because this is just going to break my heart if it's a dream.

"Let's go in," Dad said and we all go in.

"Ahh," mom gasps when she sees who's there in the house.


"You can call me Namjoon Ms.Jade" Dad Namjoon said giving her a warm smile.

"Is that my grandson crying?" He asked amused and a wider smile spreading on his face.

"Yeah, he needs attention all day orelse he'll start crying," she said, and both Dad Namjoon and mom went to on praiseing their grandson.

"So, we have a son?" Taehyung asked and i realise all his while he has been staring at me.

"Yes, we do Taehyung," I say lowering, guilt making it impossible to meet his eyes.

"What about the lies you told me? You said our son was dead! Do you realise how horrible it made me feel? Do you know how lonely and miserable I was?" One sec there was a angry Taehyung and next second he was crying on his knees holding me tight.

"Babe stop crying. I'm sorry, I too realised your not a horrible person as I thought you were. Your a gentle, kind and caring man. Just a lil impatient..." I say trying to comfort him, rubbing his back.

"What did you say?" He said wiping his tears.

"Your a little impatient," I said nervously thinking he'll be mad.

"No before that. You called me something,"

"Babe?" I ask reluctantly. A naught smile spread across his face.

"Want to make another one with me?"

"W-what?" before I could comperend what he said we were kissing each other furiously.

Authors Note

I apologise for not updating for so long. But I'm back again!
Hope all of you are doing well!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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