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Chapter twenty: Don't Come Near My Little Sister

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Chapter twenty: Don't Come Near My Little Sister

♥ ▸⚬☉⚬◂ ♥

In fact, the storm appeared and the two struggled to stay up going back and forth under the water augering when the rain stopped.

"I told you to step away from the edge! You ridiculous girl."

"I didn't ask you to follow me."

"Excuse me for trying to save you."

"AND where did it get us! We're both in the water now with this stupid storm over our heads."

"God, shut it. I need to think what to do."

"Great! While you do that I'll go swim to shore."

They felt the waves pick up and the more it did it pulled Renesmee under and having a big wave hit Daniel underneath. Daniel came back up but not Renesmee, he swam below to release her ankle from the seaweed letting them both come up safe and sound.    Though it was too late for them another wave came in washing them both away with turning under the water Daniel fought to get to the top and made it but Renesnee was missing again.

When he found her she was floating above the water, no reaction, just action. He took off swimming to her and swam with her to shore on the sandy beach. The weather was still bad so it soon began to rain as Daniel panicked about what to do next, his mind went blank.

"Wake up," he coldly said, "Yah! Hurry and get up!" Daniel says frustrated in hope she's faking but he knew better.

Looking at her lifeless with her lips blue and separated as her eyelashes and hair appeared wet while the wind blew slowly. All that could be heard of Daniel was his heavy breathing like a panic attack about to take action, Daniel fiddled with trying to get her up.
     That's all that mattered, his world might as well have stopped, and yet he still didn't realize what his heart desired the most.

Once he realized she wasn't waking up Daniel cupped the sides of her face, "No. Nononono! Ren wake up," he emotionally says as he lightly slaps her lower face upon the chin.

His heart thumping against his chest triggering him to cry hysterically as his big hands rub her hair with his tears blended in with the rain.
   Daniel was soon losing his mind, leaning over her cheat resting his forehead before lifting his head and getting mad with himself for nothing. He knew crying wasn't gonna get the job done and fucking sitting there as Renesmee lays there dead wasn't gonna help at all. Their memories floated back.

Soon after unexpectedly he punches the sand but on both sides of Renesmee's face, "I won't give up on you," he whispered as his tears fell on top of her cheeks.

Wrapping his arms around her face trailing them down her shoulders Daniel does mouth to mouth with Renesmee.   Daniel cried so hard he felt like he was having a heart attack and it won't stop until this girl takes a breath.

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