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Chapter four: Lethal

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Chapter four: Lethal

♥ ▸⚬☉⚬◂ ♥

Sometimes you gotta go broke, lose the person you thought you loved, watch friends turn to strangers just to get to your destination. Elevation requires separation and in this time of need I kept my distance from my friends and what better way of doing that on the weekend. My decision was clear...I had to go to the place I knew they wouldn't find me and that was the library. The measurements I was taking were very dramatic of me but the thought of what happened didn't sit right with me.

Sitting in the cold library with my chair pushed in and the freezing air conditioner blowing through my hair and on my skin. I got distracted from my homework by noticing a smell, it smelt familiar, though, I couldn't put my finger on it. One arm went through one hole then the other arm did the same as I placed my jacket on all cozy. I took in a deep breath taking in that scent. I so happened to close my eyes and laid my cheek in my palm thinking about it.

It reminds me of home. Warm inside, comfortable, like those clothes inside my closet that fit just right that makes me want to wear the same thing every day. In this case, it wasn't like that and I shook my head getting up to find something to read, something to distract me from all this school work that can be done tomorrow. As much as I am dreading the next day already I still needed to do something.

Just a need.. there's no need.

I want to distract myself from missing my friends. Of course, it's the reason why I'm here in the death freezer walking around looking for anything to do, then I found myself following that scent from earlier.

I came across a tall male on a ladder sleeveless, arranging the books in order. Gray sleeveless shirt, dark blue jeans, and those fancy black shoes that remind me of Daniel with his same hair color and hair cut; I laughed to myself thinking this can't be him. Why would he work in a library? Plus he doesn't even dress like that so I threw it over my shoulder and stood about a foot away from the hard-working man.

Minding my own business I flipped through a meaningless book while the man was doing his own thing as well. He suddenly walked off the ladder halfway and noticed a book. I knew this because I was glancing over my shoulder not really minding my own business, not being able to take my eyes off of him when he started reading a well put together quote I once read and I couldn't contain my mouth when vomiting words on how much I adored it.

"No one expects an angel to light the world ablaze. For beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is LETHAL," he reads out loud.

"Lethal, " I say, in a whisper glancing away. We did it at the same time that my low whisper wasn't so quiet.

He stood behind me getting off the ladder, the sound of his shoes informed that information, "You read this book, stranger?"

A short and witty laugh showed my smile, the most time I have ever smiled throughout this day, "That book?" I said, shaking my head, still standing my back to him.

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