Chapter 16: SOPURU

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"Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience" -Ephesians 5:6.

I had hoped to see Kayode all day or at least at the lagoon front. For the past few weeks, he avoided me or was it just good luck meeting him two days in a row and now that luck has run out. I fussed at my desk, my pen behind my right ear and my assignment staring up at me, pleading to be completed.

"Arghh!" Getting any work done didn't seem possible with Kayode on my mind.

"What's wrong?"

I turned to see Jernora typing away on her phone. I thought she was not paying attention.


Jernora dropped her phone and plopped down on my bed. She was so close I could see her blue eyes glisten.

"You've been quiet all day. Are you sure everything is okay?"

I turned to my notes and pretended I was writing something down. "Yeah, everything is alright."

She burst into laughter. "Donyen, your pen is still behind your ear."

I stopped mid-air. Stupid me.

"It has to be a guy then."

Jenora was grinning hard. She obviously didn't know it was still the same guy she discouraged me from seeing.

"Kinda but it's no big deal." I tried to smile but it came out awkward because Jernora laughed again.

"That's why you've been at the beginning of your assignment for the past hour."

I shot her a glare. "You know I'm not good at biology. The cellular respiration aspect is so complicated. Who decided to punish students by creating Kreb cycle and discovering all these enzymes?"

"Don't change the topic. Tell me about him."

"Like I said, it's not a big deal so please act normal." I put my hands together. "I'm begging you."

"Your first real crush on a guy and I should act normal?" She placed her hands on her chest, her mouth agape.

Seriously. First real crush. I raised my brows at her.

She sat upright and exhaled. "Okay, I'm acting normal now."

"I don't want you to judge. You remember that guy you saw with me a few days ago?" She nodded but I could already sense the look of disapproval she tried to conceal. "The other day we were speaking and I told him he was a bad person like you said. He got angry and hasn't spoken to me since."

"Good riddance," she celebrated.

"Nora," I called flat.

"This is probably a sign from God. You may have figured him out and he's running."

"Don't you think you are judging him too quickly. After all, you're a Christian and you're not supposed to judge."

Jernora pulled her legs to the bed, rumpling her silk gown. "It's just a feeling I can't shake off. Did you notice the way he was looking at you?"

"I know right." My cheeks flared up.

She shook her head. "He didn't look like someone with good intentions towards you."

My sudden excitement dropped to my stomach, replaced with disappointment.

"Why are you like this?"

Jernora looked confused. "I don't understand. For telling you the right thing?"

"No. You are wrong. Why can't you be happy that a good looking and rich guy likes me?"

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