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"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves"
-Philippians 2:3

My alarm set off, breaking the silence of the morning. It rang loud enough for me to open my eyes but not enough to get me out of bed. I turned over and with a sleepy eye, picked up my phone. 7:55 am. Just 5 more minutes and I'll be up. I set the alarm on snooze and returned to sleep.


I could recognize that voice anywhere even in my dreams. I groaned but so low mum to hear me. Only took a few seconds and she was standing in my room.

"Mummy, it's only 8 am," I whined.

"It's noon and we are all waiting for you." She dragged the covers off my body before heading out of my room.

12 noon. My eyes widened in shock. I quickly turned around to check the time again. She was right. With little time to prepare, I joined my family outside. Their expressions mirrored those of the three bears after Goldilocks spoilt their day.

"I am sorry, sorry and very sorry," I surrendered, ready to take any of the complaints they might lodge on me but no one said anything except Sopuru who grumbled all the way to the park where the rides were fixed.

We feasted our eyes on the amazing outdoor rides. The first ride we laid our eyes on was the Spring ride. Those watching oohed at the swiftness of it. The riders shrieked as it took them upwards slowly and let them down swiftly like a plane about to crash but caught them in time. There was the kite flyer right beside it spinning people at a speed I thought was impossible to go. A boy hurled his gut out at the sight of it. I wondered what he would have done if he were on the ride.

We ventured deeper, observing more rides. We had to push in between the crowd. It was as though the whole population visited. Kids were already on the bumper cars and aqua rides. Couples were in line for the Ferris wheel.

"The queues are so long," I remarked once we realized everyone, I mean everyone, came to Marvel Land today.

"I wonder whose fault that is," Sopuru muttered under her breath.

Dad suggested we play the indoor games instead because the halls could accommodate a lot of people. I hung my head down, not ready to look into my parent's eyes. I didn't want to see their looks of disappointment.

Mum came to my side and held me, lifting up my chin. "It is okay, sweetheart. It is not your fault. We can still have fun. We will just wait for the queues to clear out."

Feigning happiness, I gave her a toothed grin. Despite what mum said, I couldn't help feeling down. She walked past me and held Sopuru's left hand, lifting her alongside with Dad on the right. They swung her from side to side as her laughter reverberated in the air. Dad lifted Sopuru and placed her on his shoulders like any caring father would do. Trust Sopuru to never do anything wrong. The golden egg of the family.

As we pushed open the glass doors, loud hip hop music played. Colorful lights bounced across the walls. The hall resounded with the noise of children playing games. There were a handful of games to keep every child busy. They stared and pointed fingers at Sopuru with bewildered looks on their faces. She drew her cap lower, hiding her brows from their gazes. At least, my prank with the permanent dye got the required results.

A couple of others were climbing the artificial rocks. A kid lost his balance and slipped but was caught by the ropes attached to him. A bunch of adults were playing FIFA. The cheers booming from their side of the hall could not be dismissed. There was even a sport section at the end of the hall. I made my way over, my former mood long forgotten. A shrill voice erupted in the midst of the crowd and had me stopping in the middle of the hall. I traced it to the virtual reality game post. The boys by the arcade were chuckling at someone. The girl sobbing caught my eyes. She set down the googles abruptly and ran down a corner. She hid herself between the bin and the wall.

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