Chapter 18: DAVID

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"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication. That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor"
-1 Thessalonians 4:3-4.

A knock came from the other side of the door, arousing a foul mood in me. I looked at the girl who laid under me, her legs locked around my waist. She was on cloud nine, completely oblivious to the pestering sound.

"Guy, open up. It's Kayode."

I muttered a curse and rose, pulling the girl back to reality. Her eyes shot wide open. Fear filled her eyes and she grabbed my hand as though silently begging me not to open. Opening the door was the last thing I was going to do.

"Go away!" I growled.

"Stop misbehaving, David. Open this door."

"I'm busy." I dropped a kiss on her quivering lips to calm her.

"Oh! I'll come back later."

After the shuffled feet became distant, I waited a few more seconds to confirm his absence. No sound came from the door. I diverted my attention back to the girl, Jessica...Priscillia...cilia. I was sure her name had an a and c in it, somewhere. I could only remember she was a fresher I met few weeks after school resumed. With her braids sprawled over the sheets, she didn't look like the innocent and beautiful girl who confessed her love for me a few days ago. She clung to me like a vixen while we tumbled in the sheets.

I threw her clothes on the bed.

"Put them on."

She stretched out her hands and pouted like a two-year-old. "Come lie with me. I don't feel like going yet."

My gaze swept over her entire form, making my eyes hurt. There was something different which left a bitter taste in my mouth. The same way with every other girl I had been with. Looking away, I put my shoes on. "I need to meet up with my guys."

From behind, she hugged me, pressing her body against mine. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No." I shook my head. "You didn't." I pulled away from her grip, still not looking at her.

"Is everything alright?" Her voice was thin, holding a hint of sadness.

My phone vibrated in my pockets, distracting me. I already knew who it was. I ignored it but it vibrated again and I just had to answer the call.

"David, where are you?" came the angry female voice. "You are fifteen minutes late."

I bit back the curse before it rolled off my tongue. "Sorry, I'll be there soon."

I pulled the girl on the bed into an embrace and laid a kiss on her forehead. "There is nothing wrong. You were perfect." I tried to be as honest as possible. She used to be perfect in my eyes. "I promised my guys I would meet them this evening and they are already mad at me. You can leave when you want to."

She looked up at me with her dark brown eyes and for a moment I felt sorry. But that's all it was. A moment and nothing else. Tiptoeing, she kissed me. "I love you." It held a lot of hope which would soon be crushed.

I plastered a smile on my face and left.

Chioma sat in the private corner of the restaurant which was shielded from others. Her neatly manicured nude fingernails tapped furiously on the glass table. With a flick of my wrist, I checked the time. 8:00pm. Forty-five minutes late. Sucking in a breath, I prepared myself to meet the ice queen. Hell hath no fury than a woman when angry. She looked calm in her fancy plaid gown which hugged every inch of her body, giving me a dangerous sensation.

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